International Co-Investigator Scheme

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The International Co-Investigator Scheme provides funding for cross-border projects which include a subproject abroad.

This funding scheme is aimed at researchers in Switzerland whose project includes a subproject abroad. The SNSF or partner agency evaluates and finances both the project and subproject.

The agreement with Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands covers all disciplines, while the agreement with the UK is limited to the humanities and social sciences.

International Co-Investigator is a project funding scheme. The requirements set out in Articles 3 and 4 of the Project Funding Regulations also apply to international co-applicants, i.e. they must have a minimum of 50 per cent (0.5 FTE) employment in the country concerned. Overhead contributions cannot be applied for: they are calculated on the basis of the total research funding given to a particular institution under all SNSF funding schemes, and paid directly to the applicant’s institution on a yearly basis. The salaries of co-applicants abroad are not covered by the SNSF.

If the research team would like to run a project with a country that is not listed above, your project might still be eligible for funding. In project funding, a partner from abroad can be involved in a project, and up to 20% of the total budget may be requested for them. Project partners are researchers who contribute to a research project through cooperation without being responsible for the project.

  • General conditions

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    The usual submission deadlines - 1 April and 1 October – apply for applications to the SNSF. Only one application may be submitted per deadline. You do not have to submit the application to the funding organisations of the co-applicants abroad.

    There must not be any thematic overlaps between the submitted applications and ongoing projects or applications submitted to other SNSF funding schemes. Furthermore, applicants may not exceed the number of three projects in the project funding category, provided that one of them is a Weave/Lead Agency/International Co-Investigator Scheme or European Partnership project.

    The SNSF evaluates the International Co-Investigator applications together with regular project funding applications, without any involvement of the foreign funding agency (single evaluation). There is no additional budget. The overall project is evaluated by the responsible division. As a grant holder, you are also accountable to the SNSF for the scientific and financial part abroad. When employing personnel abroad, please comply with country-specific conditions (salaries, social contributions and legislation regarding conclusion of a contract and termination of an agreement). In particular, please take note of the relevant regulations concerning doctoral theses abroad.

    Submission deadlines and conditions for submissions to partner organisations vary. Please consult the websites of the respective funding agencies.

    Co-Investigator Scheme with Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands

    With the International Co-Investigator Scheme, you can use up to 50 per cent of the budget requested from the SNSF for applicants in Denmark, Norway, Sweden or the Netherlands. The same applies to Swiss co-applicants when an application falling under the Co-Investigator Agreement is submitted to the Independent Research Fund Denmark, the Research Council of Norway, the Swedish Research Council or the Dutch Research Council. The conditions and regulations of the relevant funding organisation apply.

    Co-Investigator Scheme with the UK in the humanities and social sciences

    If you wish to conduct a project in the humanities and social sciences, you can also apply for SNSF funding for subprojects in the UK. The subprojects in the UK must not exceed 30 per cent of the overall budget. Swiss subprojects are likewise funded up to a maximum of 30 per cent by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). The conditions and regulations of the relevant funding organisation apply.

  • Contacts

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    Project funding SSH
    Paul Pignat
    E-Mail: leadagency.ssh@snf.chExternal Link Icon

    Project funding MINT
    Julien Leuthold
    E-Mail: Link Icon

    Project funding Life Sciences
    Sabrina Engesser
    E-Mail: Link Icon

    Interdisciplinary project funding
    Arthur Graz
    E-Mail: Link Icon

    Phone : +41 31 308 22 22

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