Link up with scientists from abroad!
The Scientific Exchanges funding scheme is aimed at researchers planning to organise a scientific event in Switzerland, invite colleagues from abroad for a research visit to Switzerland, or visit their colleagues abroad.
The types of scientific event covered by the scheme include scientific conferences and workshops. Research visits by Swiss researchers to other countries or by researchers from abroad to Switzerland are funded for a period of 1 to 6 months. For scientific events, the travel expenses, accommodation and meals of participants from abroad as well as certain costs of online or hybrid events are covered, for research visits those of travelling guests.
Before submitting your application, make sure to consult the following documents. They contain relevant guidelines for your submission as well as templates for the required documentation. For further resources, refer to the Documents section below.
Applicants for scientific exchanges must be employed in Switzerland and must meet the personal requirements set out in the Funding Regulations and the General implementation regulations for the Funding Regulations. Their work-time percentage may lie under 50 percent, but should not be lower than 20 percent. Applications for scientific events may also be submitted by persons without a doctorate.
The applications must be submitted via the mySNF platform at least four months before the event or the visit.
Applications are assessed according to the following criteria:
For events, another criterion is the participation of women speakers and early-career researchers.
Proposals can only be submitted by eligible persons employed by a Swiss research institution. Partners abroad cannot submit proposals.
Yes, if all the criteria are fulfilled. However, it is not possible to submit a joint proposal for an event and a visit; an individual application has to be submitted for each type.
No, PhD students are not eligible for research visits, though they can submit proposals for scientific events.
When submitting an application for a research visit, the person employed in Switzerland is the only applicant. For a scientific event, co-applicants are allowed, but they must fulfill the same criteria as the main applicant. Co-applicants must also submit all due documents (CV, list of recent publications, self-declaration).
Travel, room and board expenses of researchers from abroad who are taking part in the scientific event. For research visits, the travel costs and food and board expenses of guests in Switzerland and abroad are covered.
No, this option is not included in the funding instrument. In the case of scientific events, the funding instrument can only support participants from outside Switzerland. The scientific events themselves must take place in Switzerland. An exception may be possible if there are scientific reasons that an event is not possible in Switzerland (e.g. if a workshop includes field work). However, such cases always have to be discussed in advance with the SNSF.
The monthly rates relate to the country the visitor is from. For instance, a Swiss researcher visiting Cambodia cannot use the higher monthly rate of CHF 3500, whereas a visitor from Cambodia to Switzerland can.
If an applicant or a participant of a scientific event travels by car, the SNSF will cover up to CHF 0.6/km, though only up to the allotted amount.
The evaluation process usually takes 2 – 2½ months; however, there is no guarantee that any particular evaluation is completed in less than 4 months.
The grant is always transferred to the applicant's university or institution. Applicants should therefore contact their employer's finance department before requesting the release of funds.
A financial report has to be submitted. Travel costs have to be documented (e.g. tickets listing the actual charge). Living costs can be documented with the confirmation form provided by the SNSF; this provides sufficient documentation and no actual bills or receipts have to be submitted.
No, expenses for travel and living costs must be kept separate.
Costs can be calculated as follows: