NCCR Robotics

2010 series

​Home institution: EPFL, ETH Zurich (since 2015)

The National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) "Robotics – Intelligent Robots for Improving the Quality of Life" encompasses a promising field of engineering which aims at developing new, human-oriented robotic technology.

In the near future, intelligent robots will play an important role in improving quality of life. For example, "care robots" will help elderly people to stay in their familiar surroundings longer; “neuroprosthetic” and "exoprosthetic" robots will increase the mobility and autonomy of disabled person; “educational robots” will support the training of a new generation of scientists and engineers; "environmental robots" will keep our world cleaner and safer. In order to progress towards this vision, the NCCR "Robotics" is working towards developing fundamental insights in terms of technology, materials, and control mechanisms.

Further information on the NCCR:

  • Contact details

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    NCCR Management

    NCCR Director

    Prof. Dario Floreano
    Laboratory of Intelligent Systems
    EPF Lausanne
    Bâtiment ELE, Station 11
    CH-1015 Lausanne
    Phone: +41 (0) 21 693 52 30
    dario.floreano@epfl.chExternal Link Icon


    Prof. Robert Riener
    ETH Zürich
    Institut für Robotik und Intelligente Systeme
    TAN E 4
    Tannenstrasse 1
    CH-8092 Zürich
    Phone: +41 (0) 44 632 66 79
    robert.riener@hest.ethz.chExternal Link Icon

    Management / Coordination

    Tristan Piguet
    MED 1 1526, Station 9
    CH-1015 Lausanne
    Phone: +41 (0) 21 693 46 34
    tristan.piguet@epfl.chExternal Link Icon / nccr-robotics@epfl.chExternal Link Icon

  • Funding

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    NCCRs are financed through grants awarded by the SNSF, but also from other sources. The home institutions involved in the NCCR also contribute a substantial amount of money. The available overall budget of the NCCR is further increased by monetary contributions from the project participants and third-party funds, which are generally invested by industrial companies.

    The SNSF is financing the NCCR Robotics in its third funding period.

    Financing 2010 – 2021 (Swiss francs)

    Funding source




    Funding source

    2010 – 2013

    2014 – 2017

    2018 - 2021

    SNSF grant*




    Funds of EPFL*




    Funds of ETH Zurich*

    From 2nd phase



    Group funds of the project participants




    External funds




    * contractually agreed funding

  • Evaluation / Review Panel

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    For each NCCR, the SNSF appoints a Review Panel composed of renowned experts whose task it is to evaluate scientific quality and the progress made in NCCR projects. The Review Panel of the NCCR Robotics consists of the following experts:

    Contact person at the SNSF:

    Dr. Stefan Bachmann
    NCCR Team
    Swiss National Science Foundation
    Wildhainweg 3
    CH-3001 Berne
    Phone: +41 (0) 31 308 23 49
    stefan.bachmann@snf.chExternal Link Icon

  • Research structures

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    National Centres of Competence in Research leave their mark on the research landscape well beyond the SNSF funding period. They help to define key topics and sustainably change Swiss research structures. Thus NCCRs can lead to the creation of new professorships and courses of study as well as new infrastructures or platforms at the universities involved.

    NCCRs operate as a network in which a large number of scientific partners are active. Working within these networks has borne fruit in the form of new research approaches and excellent scientific contributions.

  • Contributions to society and the economy

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    The National Centres of Competence in Research not only engage in cutting-edge research, they also play an important role in transferring knowledge and new technologies to the economy and to society at large. They lead to the formation of start-ups, and the new insights have the potential to awaken the interest of politicians, globally active companies and the public at large.

    Communication and knowledge transfer of the NCCR Robotics:

  • Promotion of academic careers and equal opportunities

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    The National Centres of Competence in Research consciously promote promising young researchers and are committed to equal opportunities for men and women in research.

    Measures taken by the NCCR Robotics to promote young researchers and gender equality.