Call for pre-proposals: thematic r4d module "Public Health"
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) have issued a joint call for pre-proposals for the thematic research module "Provision systems and financing mechanisms in the public health sector". Interested researchers are invited to submit their pre-proposals until 16 October 2014.
Health is central to poverty reduction. It is a global public good and a fundamental element of social security, peace and economic stability. However, the achievements of the Millenium Development Goals and their related public health targets are at risk due to rapidly increasing costs for delivering primary health care, weaknesses in health systems, the growing burden of non-communicable diseases, the emergence of new health threats, and rising global inequity. The thematic research module aims to design evidence-informed health systems policies and interventions to address these challenges. The following three topics are of particular interest in this call:
- Key steps toward inclusive social health protection in developing countries
- Sustaining health gains while addressing emerging demographic and epidemiological changes
- Social determinants and equitable access to health
CHF 14.1 million are available for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary projects. Interested researchers from Switzerland and their partners from Africa, Asia and Latin America are invited to submit their pre-proposals until 16 October 2014. The evaluation of the pre-proposals will be based on external reviews focusing on scientific quality and developmental issues and will be conducted by a review panel of international experts.