NRP 26 "Man, Health and Environment"

The general aim of the National Research Programme "Man, Health and Environment" (NRP 26) was to investigate the impacts on health of specific lifestyles and environmental influences in order to determine approaches for effective prevention of health problems.

Part A: "Environmental influences"

The objective of Part A was to expand knowledge of the extent to which physical environmental pollutants (air and noise pollution) impact human health, which preventive approaches are possible and what is the effectiveness of corresponding intervention measures.

Part B: "Chronification of back pain"

The objective of Part B was to determine the extent to which social and interpersonal factors affect the progression of chronic back diseases in Switzerland, and to verify methods of strengthening capabilities to overcome disease and disability.

Part C: "Psychosocial and cultural aspects of AIDS"

The objective of Part C was to clarify the importance of psychosocial factors in the context of the AIDS epidemic, and identify promising methods of overcoming the epidemic for affected individuals, entire groups and society as a whole.

Facts & figures

Overall grant

CHF 14,000,000; Increase on 26.06.1991:
CHF 2,000,000

President of the Expert Group

Felix Gutzwiller

Programme Director

Part A: Ursula Ackermann-Liebrich, Part B: Peter Keel, Part C: Dominique Hausser, Coordination: Françoise Kästli

Completion of research work


Final reports

  • Programme Part A: Leuenberger Ph., Pollution de l'air et maladies respiratoires en suisse, Tribuna Medica Ticinese, 1992, 57: 696–698
  • Ackermann-Liebrich U., Leuenberger Ph. et. Al., Lung function and long term exposure to air pollutants in Switzerland, Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1997, 155: 122-129
  • Leuenberger Ph., Schwartz SJ. et. Al., Passive smoking exposure in adults and chronic respirtory symtoms (SAPAPDIA Study). Am J Resp Crit Care Med 1994, 150: 1221-1228
  • Olivia C., Belastung der Bevölkerung durch Flug- und Strassenlärm: Eine Lärmstudie am Beispiel der Flughäfen Genf und Zürich, Verlag Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 1998
  • Programme Part B: Keel P., Perini Ch., Schütz-Petitjean D., Fischer W., Chronifizierung von Rückenschmerzen: Hintergründe, Auswege, Chronicisation des douleurs du dos: Problématique, issues, Verlag Eular, Basel, 1996
  • Aspekte, Aspects psychosociaux et culturels du sida, Psychosocial and cultural aspects of aids, 46 Seiten, 1994, (über den Nationalfonds zu beziehen, à commander au Fonds national)

List of publications for NRP 26 (in German; PDF, 73 KB) (PDF)