Delegates Assembly

The Delegates Assembly is a new body of the Swiss National Science Foundation. It convened for the first time on 25 March 2024. As an advisory body, it plays a crucial role in shaping the development of the SNSF by bringing the diversity of opinions of the Swiss research community into the discussions.

According to the SNSF’s Statutes, the Delegates Assembly comprises a maximum of 40 members. A total of 28 seats are allocated to members representing the universities, the ETH Domain, the universities of applied sciences, the universities of teacher education and the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences. They provide their feedback to the SNSF from the perspective of science organisations and institutions. Early-career researchers are represented by three members in the Delegates Assembly.

In a future meeting, the Delegates Assembly may elect up to five representatives of other scientific organisations, such as non-commercial research institutes outside the higher education system.

The bureau of the Delegates Assembly presides over the Assembly. It consists of president Elisabeth Stark (University of Zurich), vice president Christine Pirinoli (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland), Christian Bochet (University of Fribourg) and Christian Wolfrum (ETH Zurich).

  • Universities

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    Hugues Abriel

    Vice Rector for Research

    University of Bern

    Christian Bochet (Member of the bureau)

    Professor for Chemistry

    University of Fribourg

    Patrick Gagliardini

    Vice Rector for Research

    Università della Svizzera italiana

    Felix Kessler

    Vice Rector for Research

    University of Neuchâtel

    Klaus Möller

    Vice President for Research and Faculty

    University of St.Gallen

    Francesco Pepe

    Professor for Astronomy

    University of Geneva

    Sara Rubinelli

    Professor of Health Sciences

    University of Lucerne

    Primo Schär

    Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

    University of Basel

    Marianne Schmid Mast

    Dean of the Faculty for Business and Economics

    University of Lausanne

    Elisabeth Stark (President)

    Vice President for Research

    University of Zurich

  • ETH Domain

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    Martin Ackermann


    Eawag Dübendorf

    Martin Hairer

    Professor for Mathematics

    EPF Lausanne

    Christian Wolfrum (Member of the bureau)

    Vice President for Research

    ETH Zurich

  • Universities of Applied Sciences

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    Beate Böckem

    Leiterin Geschäftsstelle Forschung

    Zurich University of the Arts

    Corina Caduff

    Vice Rector for Research

    Bern University of Applied Sciences

    Emanuele Carpanzano

    Director for Research, Development and Knowlege Transfer

    University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland

    Andreas Gerber-Grote

    Ressortleiter Forschung und Entwicklung und Direktor Departement Gesundheit

    Zurich University of Applied Sciences

    Christine Pirinoli (Vice president)

    Vice Rector for Research and Innovation

    University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland

    Falko Schlottig

    Director School of Life Sciences

    University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

    Viktor Sigrist

    Head of the Standing Committee on Research and Development

    Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

    Alex Simeon

    Leiter Rektoratsstab und Mitglied der Hochschulleitung

    Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences

    Ulrike Zika

    Departementsleitung Entwicklung im alpinen Raum, Mitglied der Hochschulleitung

    University of Applied Sciences of Grisons

  • Universities of Teacher Education

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    Horst Biedermann


    St.Gallen University of Teacher Education

    Dorothee Brovelli

    Vice Rector for Research and Development

    Lucerne University of Teacher Education

  • Academies of Arts and Sciences

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    Yves Flückiger


    Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences

    Christofer Hierold

    Vice President

    Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences

    Philippe Moreillon


    Swiss Academy of Sciences

    George Thalmann

    Vice President

    Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences

  • Elected members

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    Philipp Walch


    University of Lausanne

    Rachel Démolis

    Head of Research

    Haute école de santé Vaud

    Laure Piguet


    University of Fribourg