Research Council and evaluation bodies
The Research Council of the SNSF evaluates several thousand applications each year and makes funding decisions. It is composed of 100 researchers, most of whom work at Swiss higher education institutions. The Research Council is supported by 90 evaluation bodies comprising about 1000 members in total.
Research Council of the SNSF
The Research Council comprises the following four divisions:
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Mathematics, Natural and Engineering Sciences
- Biology and Medicine
- Programmes
Three Specialised Committees are responsible for cross-divisional matters:
- International Co-operation
- Careers
- Interdisciplinary Research.
In addition to the permanent commissions "Gender Equality in Research Funding" and "Research Integrity", the Research Council can appoint specialised commissions and panels for specific evaluation tasks.
The Academic Board is responsible for defining funding policy, allocating roles within the Research Council and ensuring the quality and fairness of the evaluation procedures for the researchers and projects that the SNSF supports. The members of the Academic Board are elected for a four-year term of office, renewable once.
Evaluation bodies
The evaluation bodies evaluate proposals and lay the groundwork for the funding decisions made by the Research Council. The members of these bodies are for the most part researchers working at higher education institutions. A third are women, and a third work at institutes based abroad.
Academic Board
Since January 1, 2025, the Academic Board has been composed of:
- Torsten Schwede, President
- Laura Bernardi, Vice President in charge of funding policy
- Stuart Lane, Vice President in charge of research funding
- Kathryn Hess Bellwald, Academic Board member
- Nicolas Rodondi, Academic Board member
- Rainer Wallny, Academic Board member
- Angelika Kalt, Director of the SNSF, as a non-voting advisory member