2014 series

Home institutions: University of Geneva, ETH Zurich

Physicists use the language of mathematics to describe the processes that they observe. However, mathematics is more than a language. It is also a collection of complex, evolving ideas. At the threshold between theoretical physics and mathematics – where the mathematician’s stringency and the physicist’s intuition bear the greatest fruit – both sides benefit from closer cooperation. The NCCR "SwissMAP – The Mathematics of Physics" aims to take this melding of minds to the next level and establish an internationally renowned Swiss Institute for Advanced Research in Mathematics and Physics. The objective is to create a place where researchers can focus on fundamental questions, such as whether string theory really is suitable for describing all of the known force fields and interactions in a uniform Theory of Everything.

Further information on the NCCR:

  • Contact details

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    NCCR Management

    NCCR Director

    Prof. Stanislav Smirnov
    Director, NCCR SwissMAP
    Section de mathématiques
    Université de Genève
    2-4 rue du Lièvre
    Case postale 64
    CH-1211 Genève 4
    Phone: +41 (0) 22 379 11 49
    stanislav.smirnov@unige.chExternal Link Icon


    Prof. Giovanni Felder
    Co-Director, NCCR SwissMAP
    Departement Mathematik
    ETH Zürich
    Rämistrasse 101
    HG G 46
    CH-8092 Zürich
    Phone: +41 (0) 44 632 34 09
    felder@math.ethz.chExternal Link Icon

    Management / Coordination

    Dr. Elise Raphael 
    NCCR SwissMAP
    Section de mathématiques
    Université de Genève
    7-9 rue du Conseil Général
    Case postale 64
    1211 Genève 4, Switzerland
    Phone: +41(0) 22 379 11 44
    Email:​External Link Icon

  • Funding

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    NCCRs are financed through grants awarded by the SNSF, but also from other sources. The home institutions involved in the NCCR also contribute a substantial amount of money. The available overall budget of the NCCR is further increased by monetary contributions from the project participants and third-party funds, which are generally invested by industrial companies.

    The SNSF is financing the NCCR SwissMAP in its second funding period.

    Financing 2014 – 2021 (Swiss francs)

    Funding source




    SNSF grant*



    Funds from the Geneva University*



    Funds from the ETH Zurich*



    Group funds of the project participants



    External funds



    * contractually agreed funding

  • Evaluation / Review Panel

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    For each NCCR, the SNSF appoints a Review Panel composed of renowned experts whose task it is to evaluate scientific quality and the progress made in NCCR projects. The Review Panel of the NCCR SwissMAP consists of the following experts:

    Contact person at the SNSF:

    Dr. Stefan Bachmann
    NCCR Team
    Swiss National Science Foundation
    Wildhainweg 3
    CH-3001 Berne
    Phone: +41 (0) 31 308 23 49
    Email:​External Link Icon