MAPS – Multilateral Academic Projects

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MAPS is a multilateral initiative that supports collaborative research projects between researchers in Switzerland and their colleagues in Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Romania.

The SNSF received 334 proposals in response to its MAPS call, which closed on 1 July 2024. In the formal preliminary review, the eligibility of applicants and their institutions will now be verified, among other criteria. The evaluation meeting will take place in March 2025. The results are expected to be communicated in April 2025. A total of around 20-25 applications can be funded.

MAPS promotes knowledge exchange by providing cross-border collaboration with researchers in Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Romania. The instrument aims at strengthening competitiveness in the European Research Area and responds to the demands of the research communities in these countries for more international integration and collaboration with researchers in Switzerland and Europe.

MAPS is one of the three funding schemes offered by the SNSF to select EU member states as part of the Second Swiss contribution. The mandate was given by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Cooperation in the field of scientific research between Switzerland and the participating EU-13 countries builds on previous experience in three bilateral programmes with Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania.

Joint Research Projects

MAPS will be implemented through Joint Research Projects (JRPs). These collaborative projects must have clearly defined goals and involve at least one applicant based in Switzerland and two to five additional applicants from two to five of the participating EU-13 countries. Research will be carried out at the respective institutions involved, while reciprocal visits and short stays may also be supported.

The maximum amount of funding for each team in each country is 350,000 francs for four years. The duration of JRPs is between 36 and 48 months. The call for proposals is open to all research areas.


Applicants based in Switzerland must meet the regular eligibility criteria for SNSF project funding. In each participating country, a Support Measure Partner (SMP) is responsible for the implementation of MAPS. Please note that each SMP has its own eligibility criteria for potential applicants and proposals. Before applying, please consult Annex 2 of the call document. It lists the eligibility rules, additional requirements, funding mandates, regulations and eligible costs for each SMP.

The call was launched on 2 April 2024. Further information can be found in the “News” section below.

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