79 outline proposals for NCCRs have been announced
In November 2023, the SNSF launched a 6th NCCR call. Now, 79 research consortia have informed the SNSF that they will participate in the first stage of the NCCR selection process.
The NCCR call stipulates that applicants must first submit a declaration of intent and announce the submission of their NCCR outline proposal. Upon expiry of the deadline on 15 February 2024, the SNSF had received a total of 79 declarations of intent. They provide information about the expected fields of research, the participating research groups and home institutions – i.e. those willing to provide both financial and structural support for an NCCR over the long term. The SNSF will now proceed with the recruitment of suitable reviewers for the next stages of the selection process.
The SNSF has informed the applicants and the participating home institutions about the content of the declarations of intent. This increases the transparency of the very competitive NCCR selection process. The applicants and the participating home institutions are thus able to define the profile of their proposal more clearly in respect of other planned NCCRs and to coordinate with each other.
The registered applicants and their home institutions have until 15 April to submit their NCCR proposals.