Pre-announcement: ERA-NET CHANSE 2021 call


An international call announced by ERA-NET CHANSE addresses social and cultural dynamics in the digital age. Researchers can submit pre-proposals as of March 2021.

The new network Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe (CHANSE) was created by 27 research funding organisations from 24 countries. With this call, CHANSE aims to support excellent international research projects on the topic "Transformations: social and cultural dynamics in the digital age". The network receives 10 million euros worth in co-financing from the Horizon 2020 framework programme of the European Union.

Impact of digitalisation

The research objective of the collaborative projects is to create greater understanding of how digitalisation is changing society and culture. With their powerful analyses and reflexive knowledge, the humanities and social sciences are contributing to the investigation and understanding of the challenges posed by technological innovations.

CHANSE also calls for collaboration and knowledge sharing between researchers, on the one hand, and cultural, political and other societal actors, on the other. Applicants can find suitable research partners using the search tool on the CHANSE website.

Possible research questions

The projects should focus on at least one of the two following subject areas:

  • Cultural transformations in the digital age:As digitalisation gathers pace, we seem to be approaching a culture of algorithms that influences daily life, behaviours, cultural practices, opinions and values. How do these processes affect us and the cultures we are part of? How radically new are they compared to innovations such as the printing press, railroad or television? How strongly do different cultural traditions influence technological transformations?
  • Digitalisation and social transformations:Do technological innovations leave us with more time and freedom for social and cultural activities in our daily lives – or do digital distractions threaten creativity and innovation and endanger education and productive work? Does digitalisation pose a threat to individual and collective liberties, or can it lead to change processes that are driven by the citizens themselves?

Research groups are invited to investigate these and other questions using a wide range of methods. This is a two-stage call that will open in March 2021 – with a submission deadline for pre-proposals in May 2021.