SNSF & Innosuisse funding scheme information events

In October and November 2024, the SNSF and Innosuisse will hold three online information events for researchers.

Join us for a presentation of the various funding schemes offered by the SNSF and Innosuisse. This is the perfect opportunity for researchers to obtain all the necessary information and put their questions directly to the people responsible for the schemes in a Q&A session.

Researchers from all higher education institutions are welcome. More detailed information (programme, registration, etc.) can be found below.

Dates 2024

16 October
09:00 – 11:15

24 October
09:00 – 11:15

15 November
09:00 – 10:45

The presentations will be in English, but questions will be taken in English, German or French during the Q&A session.

Please take note of the following points:

  • Both your microphone and camera will be switched off (this is intentional and applies to all participants). You will see the presentation and video of the person speaking and hear their voice.
  • If you're experiencing technical problems, you can contact us using the chat function.
  • The presentations will be recorded (only the slides and the voice/video of the speakers).
  • The slides and recordings will be available on our website in the days after each event.
  • During and immediately after each presentation, we will only be able to take a very limited number of questions.
  • If you have any questions, please use the Q&A session for the scheme you are interested in. These sessions will take place after the last presentation. You'll find all the links on our website.