precoR - Announcement of second call to fund precompetitive research
For the second time, the Mathematics, Natural and Engineering Sciences division of the SNSF is allocating CHF 2 million to fund precompetitive research. precoR supports research projects with a focus on basic scientific achievements which enable the development of a future commercial application. The call will be open from 1 December.
After the successful pilot call at the end of 2013, the SNSF aims to continue its support for research projects that are positioned in a transient stage between basic research and the target-oriented engineering and development of a viable application.
The precoR initiative 2014/2015 is again limited to proposals in materials science or fabrication technology. Proposals can be submitted between 1 December 2014 and 17 February 2015. Detailed information will be available on the SNSF precoR website on 1 December.
A clear vision of a product or application is key
Projects need to have a clear vision of an original and novel product or application. In addition, they are typically characterised by a strong effort to create a collaborative network of partners who are interested in the further development of a product, potentially even resulting in the foundation of a start-up company. Innovative solutions as well as high-quality scientific publications are expected to emerge from the projects. Hence, the initiative continues to promote the merger of the cultures of basic scientific research and application-driven engineering.
- precoR (Funding precompetitive research)