NRP 29 "Changes of Life Style and Social Security"
The National Research Programme "Changes of Life Style and Social Security" (NRP 29) was concerned with studying the effectiveness and efficiency of social policy instruments and delivery methods in view of changing social conditions, and verifying their compatibility with the relevant social policy targets. The aim was first to reveal deficits in the existing fallback system based on the causes. Secondly, options for adapting specific measures and delivery forms to the changed social conditions were sought. In this way the programme made a modest contribution to a traditional task of social policy – ensuring social security in a changing world.
Facts and figures
Overall budget
CHF 8,500,000
President of the Expert Group
Antonin Wagner
Programme Director
Jürg H. Sommer
Completion of research work
Final reports
- Sommer Jürg H., Schütz Stefan, Wandel der Lebensformen und soziale Sicherheit, Haupt Verlag, Bern, 1996
- Sommer Jürg H., Schütz Stefan, Changements des modes de vie et avenir de la sécurité sociale, Editions Réalités sociales, Lausanne, 1998