CHIST-ERA 2022 Special Call: Open and Reusable Research Data

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Europe needs to develop expertise in Open Research Data (ORD). CHIST-ERA is therefore launching a special call on ORD that cuts across disciplines, with the aim of filling gaps through transnational collaborative projects.

This special call of CHIST-ERA (European coordinated research on long-term ICT and ICT-based scientific challenges) addresses the challenge of Open Research Data and software from the perspective of their potential reuse. The goal is to create, in any field, conditions for research based on open or shared data and software.

Although CHIST-ERA is primarily focused on ICT, this call is open to any research area within, at the interface of or outside ICT.

Researchers can submit prpoposals from 31 August 2022 until 14 December 2022. Successful applicants will be informed by June 2022 and will be able to start their projects on 1 September 2023 at the earliest.

Within the framework of CHIST-ERA, international consortia composed of researchers from at least three of the following eleven countries can submit applications for a period of 24 months: Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, France, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. To contribute to better diffusion of scientific excellence within the European Union, consortia are encouraged to include researchers from the widening countries (mentioned in italics above). As CHIST-ERA is supported by the Horizon 2020 framework programme, to which Switzerland is fully associated, researchers in Switzerland are eligible to coordinate consortia.

An international panel will scientifically evaluate the proposals. Each partner in a consortium is supported by a research funding agency in their country or region. Applicants from Switzerland must be eligible for the SNSF's project funding scheme and are strongly encouraged to contact us if this is their first submission to the SNSF.

Along with the CHIST-ERA application, you need to submit an administrative application to the SNSF via mySNF (under Programmes/ERA-NET). The consortia are encouraged to adopt the desired practices regarding open access to publications (Open Access) and research data (Open Data) as of project submission, in line with the new Open Science policy of CHIST-ERA.