CHIST-ERA: Call 2018 announcement
The ERA-NET CHIST-ERA supports European research collaborations in information and communication sciences and technologies.
This year, the CHIST-ERA (European coordinated research on long-term ICT and ICT-based scientific challenges) funding scheme is supporting the following two subject areas:
- Analog Computing for Artificial Intelligence
- Smart Distribution of Computing in Dynamic Networks
Researchers can submit a pre-proposal until 15 January 2019. Applicants whose pre-proposal is accepted will be informed at the end of March 2019 and invited to submit a full proposal.
Within the scope of CHIST-ERA, international consortia can submit applications that include researchers from at least three of the following countries: Austria, Belgium (Wallonia-Brussels), Bulgaria, Canada (Québec), Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Spain, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom.
The pre-proposals and full proposals will be evaluated scientifically by an international panel. All partners in a consortium are supported by the funding organisations of their respective countries or regions. Applicants from Switzerland must be eligible for the funding scheme "project funding" of the SNSF.
In parallel with the submission to CHIST-ERA, you need to submit an administrative application to the SNSF via mySNF (under Programmes/ERA-NET: Pre-proposal resp. Programmes/ERA-NET).
The supported topics last year were "Object recognition and manipulation by robots: Data sharing and experiment reproducibility" and "Big data and process modelling for smart industry". Fourteen projects were approved, five of which included a Swiss partner.