Palliative caregivers need direct exchange

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Terminally ill people are better cared for and more content when their carers communicate with each other. The University of Basel and the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland conducted a study among 379 physicians and nurses in Swiss palliative care, notably investigating the organisational factors that influence how they exchange information.

The study found that face-to-face team meetings, feedback rounds and the use of communication guidelines were among the most important factors. And in primary care shared professional values – such as a focus on patient wellbeing – are important. The research team, led by psychologist Reka Schweighoffer, recommends taking these factors into account when organising palliative care teams. Surprisingly, the electronic patient dossier is considered to be of little help for the exchange of information – perhaps because its use has only recently become mandatory in Swiss hospices and voluntary for home care.

R. Schweighoffer et al.: Organizational determinants of information transfer in palliative care teams: A structural equation modeling approach. PLoS ONE (2021)External Link Icon