NRP 52 “Childhood, Youth and Intergenerational Relationships in a Changing Society“
The National Research Programme “Childhood, Youth and Intergenerational Relationships in a Changing Society“ (NRP 52) aims to shed new light on the living conditions and the needs of children and adolescents in Switzerland, and how these may evolve in the future. It focuses on relevant intergenerational and legal issues. The results should help highlight a possible need for action in policy terms, and by the federal, cantonal and municipal administrative authorities, the economy and charities, as well as the measures to be implemented in consequence. The NRP will pursue the paramount concerns voiced in the international debate on children, adolescents and intergenerational relationships, making use of social reporting from several countries, and referring to the state-of-the art in international social science research.
Facts & figures
CHF 12'000'000
5 years
President of the steering committee
Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, Institut für Psychologie, Universität Bern
Implementation Officer
Dominik Büchel, Advocacy AG, Basel
Programme Coordinator
Stephanie M. Schönholzer, SNSF
2003 - 2007
Further information
Franz Schultheis, Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, Stephan Egger (éditeur), Enfance et jeunesse en Suisse. Résultats du Programme national de recherche «L’enfance, la jeunesse et les relations entre générations dans une société en mutation», Editions Beltz. Bâle, Weinheim 2008
Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, François Höpflinger, Christian Suter, Generations – structures and relationships. Swiss generational report, 2008
Steering committee of NRP 52 (editor), Impulses for a political agenda from the National Research Programme Childhood, Youth and Intergenerational Relationships, Bern 2007
Themed booklets
- "Antisoziales Verhalten bei Kindern, psychosoziale Risiken von Jugendlichen: Was bringt Prävention und Beratung?", Oktober 2006 (PDF, 460 KB) (PDF)
- "Welcher Kitt hält die Generationen zusammen?", Mai 2006 (PDF, 550 KB) (PDF)
- "L'impact de la migration sur les enfants, les jeunes et les relations entre générations", April 2006 (PDF, 900 KB) (PDF)
Summaries of project results