Horizons magazine: The other side of video gaming
Horizons delves into the virtual world of video games. Gone are the days when they were only entertainment: now they are educational and serve scientific purposes. Other topics in this issue - both online and print - are animal testing, artificial intelligence and personalised medicine.
The current issue of Horizons looks at the other side of video gaming: gamers are often digital pioneers and this makes them fit for the job market of tomorrow. They can even help in solving scientific problems. In another article, we discover just how innovative Swiss game designers are.
The second key topic of the March issue of Horizons is animal testing: the 3Rs "replace, reduce, refine" are a guiding principle to minimise the suffering of test animals. But do they deliver on their promise?
In addition, Horizons portrays political scientist Felli Romain. He combines theory and practice in his dual role as scientist and politician. Other articles discuss if meat alternatives are really more environmentally friendly, describe how researchers trick algorithms in order to understand them and explain why revised copyright laws could jeopardise the push for open access to scientific knowledge.
Read us online
Horizons reports on the latest developments in the world of science and discusses research policy issues of global importance:
- as online magazine www.horizons-mag.ch (English, French and German)
- as quarterly newsletter
- as quarterly printed issue with free subscription for German and French
The Swiss research magazine Horizons is published by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) in collaboration with the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences.