Second call for MARVIS projects

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The SNSF is launching a new call for Multidisciplinary Applied Research Ventures in Space (MARVIS). Some adjustments have been made to improve the funding scheme and to better meet the needs of researchers.

Based on experience and feedback from the consortia involved in the first call, SERI and the SNSF have made minor changes to the call text and to the formalities of submission:

  • To give potential applicants sufficient time to set up a consortium and prepare their project, the launch of this second call for projects is earlier than the opening of the mySNF platform. Access to mySNF will be possible on 16 September 2024, i.e. 3 months before the submission deadline on 16 December 2024.
  • To allow more detailed descriptions of the sub-projects, the maximum number of pages has been increased to 5 pages per sub-project.
  • A standardised budget table is being provided to give an overview of the contributions and budget allocations of the parties involved.
  • The requirements for matching funds have been clarified (see FAQs below) and have been made more flexible. Applicants' salaries can now be included in proportion to their contribution to the project. In addition, indirect costs related to a MARVIS project borne by the host institutions are also eligible, up to a maximum of 15% of the matching funds.
  • The final intellectual property agreement (signed by all parties involved) must be submitted to SERI once the funding decision is announced. Only a draft of this document is required for the second phase of the evaluation.
  • To encourage collaboration and facilitate the formation of consortia, we are providing a networking platform via B2Match (link below). Participants can indicate their area of expertise so that other interested parties can contact them and request a face-to-face, hybrid or virtual meeting.

With these changes, SERI and the SNSF aim to make the funding scheme accessible to a greater number of scientists and industrial partners, in particular by reducing constraints linked to budgetary contributions. The context and objectives of MARVIS remain unchanged. The deadline for submission is 16 December 2024. SERI is the commissioning authority for this funding scheme, calls for which will be opened every two to four years.