Call for Swiss Reproducibility Conference and Swiss Reproducibility Award 2024

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The SNSF and the Swiss Reproducibility Network have launched a call for abstracts for the Swiss Reproducibility Conference and for Swiss Reproducibility Award 2024 nominations.

The Swiss Reproducibility Network (SwissRN) was established in 2020. From 10 to 11 June 2024, it will be hosting the first Swiss Reproducibility Conference in Zurich. The conference is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

Swiss Reproducibility Conference: call for contributed talks and posters

The programme includes sessions on reproducibility and replicability, transparency, and open scholarship, as well as on meta-research and research assessment. The SNSF and SwissRN invite you to submit abstracts for contributed talks and posters.

Swiss Reproducibility Award 2024: call for nominations

The Swiss Reproducibility Award aims to recognise scientific work by young researchers and research teams that sets the highest standards in terms of transparency and reproducibility. The award for young researchers (3000 francs) will be presented in three scientific categories, and there will be a team award (6000 francs) as well.

Submissions can be made until 27 February 2024 at the link below.