NRP 77 "Digital Transformation" : 2nd call

NRP 77 will investigate the interrelationships and concrete effects of digital transformation in Switzerland.

The research programme consists of the following three modules:​

  • Education, learning and digital change
  • Ethics, trustworthiness and governance
  • Digital economy and the labour market

The programme will operate with an overall funding of CHF 30 million for a research duration of 5 years.

A first call was launched in November 2018. Project selection was concluded in December 2019, with 37 projects selected for funding. Research work will start as soon as January 2020.

The NRP 77 is now launching a 2nd call for projects, in order to close specific research gaps.

Projects for the second call must fall into clearly defined areas. In module 1, projects must address the following topics, in the face of continuous digital change:

1) Individuals in the second half of their lives, and from different educational backgrounds;

2) Individuals with disabilities and with different educational backgrounds;

3) Impact of digitalisation on the education system.

In module 2, projects should address the following topics:

1) Impact of digitalisation on the public sphere and/or journalism;

2) Governance and legal framework of digital technologies.

No additional funds are available for projects in
module 3, and consequently no further submissions are possible for this module.

Interested researchers can submit letters of intent until 20 February, 2020 and full proposals until 20 April, 2020.

Detailed information on the conditions for participation and project selection can be found in the call document.