ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017
ERA.Net RUS Plus has launched a second joint call: "Science & Technology". The call opened on 2 May and will close on 4 July 2017.
The goal of the call is to set up a long term collaboration in the field of research and innovation between EU Member States/Associated Countries and Russia. The joint call covers science and technology projects. Research proposals can be submitted in the following S&T topics:
- Nanotechnologies
- Environment/climate change
- Health
- Social sciences and humanities
- Robotics
For further details please consult the programme website.
Participating countries in the current call are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland and Turkey.
Eligible project consortia must comprise project partners from at least three different countries, with at least one team being from Russia. Project duration is at least 24 months but should not exceed 36 months.
Proposals must be submitted in electronic form, using the programme's webtool. Swiss teams must also submit their proposals to the SNSF (using mySNF). Please contact the SNSF before submitting your application.