Biodiversa+ – new Call: “Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society” (BiodivMon Call). Submission deadline for mandatory pre-proposals: 9.11.2022.
Biodiversa+ is the new European co-funded biodiversity partnership supporting excellent research on biodiversity with an impact for policy and society. The partnership aims to connect science, policy and practice for transformative change. It currently comprises 74 research programmers and funders and environmental policy actors from 36 European and associated countries.
With the newly launched international Call "Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society" (BiodivMon Call), Biodiversa+ aims to facilitate multinational, collaborative research projects that will contribute to improving the monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem services across all terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments.
Projects submitted to this call should focus on improving knowledge on species distribution and abundance. Further, they should contribute to refining, enhancing and upscaling existing methods and/or developing, testing and evaluating new methods to characterise, understand and model biodiversity status, dynamics and trends; developing tools for better implementation and harmonisation of monitoring schemes; and demonstrating the power of monitoring data to inform transformative policies and management.
The call covers the following three, non-exclusive research themes:
This call will support research projects with a 3-year duration in which the approaches and skills of natural and technical sciences, social sciences and humanities are integrated to address the specific objectives of each proposal. Strong transnational cooperation is expected. Participation of public and private stakeholders in research proposals is strongly encouraged.
Forty-nine funding organisations from 35 countries have made a preliminary commitment to participate in the call.
Applicants of the projects selected for funding will receive the grant directly from the funder to whom they submitted the application, in accordance with the funder’s terms and conditions.
The eligibility criteria and participation requirements for the call of the national/regional funding organisations and further details can be found on the programme’s official website. The deadline for the submission of the mandatory pre-proposals is 9 November 2022.