Congressi Stefano Franscini: call for conference proposals 2019
The Congressi Stefano Franscini, conference platform of the ETH Zurich, offers scientists the possibility of organising research conferences at Monte Verità. Deadline for submitting proposals for 2019: 15 January 2018.
Since 1989, the Congressi Stefano Franscini has supported 20 to 25 international conferences annually. A call is launched once a year, and the submitted proposals are then evaluated by an interdisciplinary scientific board.
All researchers and university professors working in Switzerland are invited to submit their proposal for a conference in 2019. A conference should last between 3 and 5 days and attract an international audience of between 50 and 100 participants. International collaboration are welcome.
New: Proposals for workshops
Congressi Stefano Franscini now also funds workshops. Proposals can be submitted all year round. A workshop should last 3 days and should have between 25 and 30 participants.
For more information on the calls for conference and workshop grants, please refer to the website of ETH Zurich – Congressi Stefano Franscini (see below).
Historical site
The conference centre is located on the Monte Verità, the "Mountain of Truth", a hilltop overlooking Ascona and Lake Maggiore. The fascinating history of this venue began in 1900, when a small group of idealists settled on the hilltop above Ascona. Subsequently, numerous artists, intellectuals and students made Monte Verità their cultural centre. Among those who spent time in the area were Hermann Hesse, Friedrich Glauser, Carl Gustav Jung, Isadora Duncan, Rudolf von Laban and many more.