Bulgarian-Swiss Research Programme: closing event in Sofia
The Bulgarian-Swiss Research Programme ended in October 2016 with a conference titled "Scientific Cooperation matters: Growing Bulgarian-Swiss collaborative research". The 13 projects conducted under the programme are presented in a series of videos.
With representatives of the academies, universities, the political sphere and administration in attendance, the final conference looked back on the successful bilateral collaboration programme. A panel discussion focused on the challenges and opportunities that lie in store for Bulgarian science and innovation in the future. EU Commission policy officer Ralitsa Atanasova gave a keynote speech on "Widening and Participation", in which she explained why integrating Bulgaria into the international research community is so important.
In the context of the Bulgarian-Swiss Research Programme, 13 joint research projects were awarded grants worth CHF 4.2 million in total. Each project is presented in a video.
Videos on the 13 projects conducted under the Bulgarian-Swiss Research Programme (in Bulgarian with English subtitles):
- Arsenic contamination of Ogosta river: Linking biogeochemical processes in floodplain soils with river system dynamics
- Identification of genes that regulate plant tolerance to adverse abiotic stress factors and determine plant ageing
- Land‐use and management impacts on carbon sequestration in mountain ecosystems
- Subalpine forest development in Bulgarian Mountain Forests under climate change
- PhytoBalk
- Prenylquinones and carotenoids ‐ potential mediators of tolerance of higher plants to combined light and temperature stress
- Social disparities and regional differences in school‐to‐work transitions in Bulgaria
- Innovative P‐recovery from waste sludge
- Migration and Transnationalism between Switzerland and Bulgaria: assessing social inequalities and regional disparities in the context of changing policies
- Valorisation of industrial wastewater: biologically active substances from side products of rose oil distillation
- The dynamic nature of interethnic attitudes in Bulgaria: a social psychological perspective
- Addressing socio-economic regional disparities: the potential of organic farming for strengthening rural areas in Bulgaria
- Design of modified immunoglobuin preparations with additionally induced polyspecificity for passive immunotherapy of sepsis