NRP 41 "Transport and Environment: Interactions Switzerland / Europe"

The National Research Programme "Transport and Environment: Interactions Switzerland / Europe" (NRP 41) intends to become a think-tank for sustainable transport policy. It shall supply contributions from all relevant disciplines towards the efficient and sustainable satisfaction of mobility needs.

The main focus is on the complex limits of mobility, in particular those resulting from the protection of humans and the environment, as well as the economy (competitiveness) of Switzerland and her regions.  Furthermore, special attention is given to Switzerland in the European context.

Facts & figures

Framework budget

CHF 10'000'000

President of experts

Francis-Luc Perret, EPF Lausanne

Programme coordinator

Felix Walter, ecoplan, Bern

End of research


Press release, 29 January 2009 (German) (PDF, 80 KB) (PDF)Closure of NRP 41 "Transport and Environment"