NRP 45 "Future Problems of the Welfare State"

​The aim of the National Research Programme "Future Problems of the Welfare State" (NRP 45) was to strengthen interdisciplinary research in hitherto neglected but important areas of social policy. This included alternative approaches to social security, disabled people in Switzerland, unemployment and health. As a first priority, the programme developed basic principles for medium-term social policy decisions and statistical baselines for subsequent use.

Facts & figures

Framework budget

CHF 10'000'000

Duration of research

4 years

President of the steering committee

Ludwig Gärtner

Implementation Officer

Margret Bürgisser, ISAB, Bremgarten

Scientific secretariat

Christian Mottas, SNSF

End of the programme



L. Gärtner, Y. Flückiger: Probleme des Sozialstaats: Ursachen, Hintergründe, Perspektiven, Verlag Rüegger, Chur 2005; L. Gärtner, Y. Flückiger: Problèmes de l'Etat social: causes, fondements et perspectives, Verlag Rüegger, Chur 2006