Strategic Japanese-Swiss Science and Technology Programme: Call for proposals 2022

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As part of the federal government's bilateral programmes, the SNSF and the Japan Socie-ty for the Promotion of Science are launching a joint call for proposals on the topic of "Designing Future Societies". The call is open to projects from all disciplines.

The SNSF and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) are launching a call for joint research projects (JRPs). The call is aimed at promoting collaboration between researchers in Switzerland and in Japan.

The SNSF covers the project costs in Switzerland and JSPS covers the research costs in Japan. The duration of the projects is 3 years. The maximum amount for a three-year project is 250,000 francs for the Swiss side.

The available budget is sufficient for funding 10 projects. However, this is conditional on a sufficient number of high-quality proposals being submitted.