NCCR Mediality (2005-2017)
NCCR Directors: Prof. Christian Kiening (2005–2017)
Home institution: University of Zurich
Research and major results of the NCCR
The NCCR "Mediality - Historical Perspectives" focused on the historicity of media and mediality as well as on communication forms predating mass media and technological media discourses. Based on texts, images, sculptures, architecture, textiles, sounds and films, particular situations were examined in which changes in communication practices took place, prompting a reappraisal of the basic parameters of communication: what medium is being used? What facilitates the transmission of information? The following disciplines participated in the NCCR: German literature and linguistics, history, history of art, film studies, Scandinavian studies and law.
The NCCR developed its own methodological perspective in dealing with media phenomena, which can be applied to many disciplines. Unlike present- and mass-media-oriented media theories, the possibility of mediality was considered in historical perspective, and time-specific models of mediation and meaning-making in the long period between the early Middle Ages and the beginning of modern era were taken into account.
Structural development – Perspectives for the research domain
From the very beginning, NCCR Mediality was a completely novel undertaking that ventured into previously uncharted areas of media research. The NCCR has succeeded in establishing a new field of research – historical mediology – at an international level. This was made possible by bringing together different subjects with a primarily historical focus that had previously followed separate paths. The chronological breadth offered a view of relevant constellations of the medial across different epochs, which was only possible thanks to close collaboration within the NCCR.
The Zentrum für Historische Mediologie (Centre for Historical Mediology) was set up as a successor to the NCCR; this research platform continues to promote early-career researchers and to ensure the transfer of knowledge beyond the academic domain.
Zentrum für historische Mediologie (only in German)
Contact details
NCCR Management
NCCR Director
Prof. Christian Kiening
Universität Zürich
Deutsches Seminar
Schönberggasse 9, SOD 216
8001 Zürich
Phone +41 (0) 44 634 25 41
Email ckiening@access.uzh.chManagement / Coordination
Prof. Martina Stercken
Universität Zürich, Historisches Seminar
NCCR Mediality
Rämistrasse 42, RAL-G-10
8001 Zürich
Phone +41 (0) 44 634 51 16
Email stercken@hist.uzh.chFunding
The NCCR was awarded 15.9 million Swiss francs over a duration of 12 years. The table below shows that this amount represents about 47% of the NCCR’s total expenditures. The remaining funds mainly came from the participating research groups and from the home institution University of Zurich.
Financing 2005 – 2017 (Swiss francs)
Funding source
SNSF grant
Funds from the University of Zurich
Group funds of the project participants
External funds
Evaluation / Review Panel
For each NCCR, the SNSF appoints a Review Panel composed of renowned experts whose task it is to evaluate scientific quality and the progress made in NCCR projects. The Review Panel of the NCCR Mediality consists of the following experts:
Contact person at the SNSF:
Dr. Stefan Bachmann
Swiss National Science Foundation
Wildhainweg 3
3001 Bern
Phone +41 (0) 31 308 23 49
Email stefan.bachmann@snf.chResearch structures
National Centres of Competence in Research leave their mark on the research landscape well beyond the SNSF funding period. They help to define key topics and sustainably change Swiss research structures. Thus NCCRs can lead to the creation of new professorships and courses of study as well as new infrastructures or platforms at the universities involved.
NCCRs operate as a network in which a large number of scientific partners are active. Working within these networks has borne fruit in the form of new research approaches and excellent scientific contributions.
Structures created by this NCCR until now: