Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Collaborative Funding Call

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The SNSF is participating in a pilot call together with 10 funding agencies from four continents. The call is aimed at accelerating achievement of the SDGs by implementing results of ongoing or recently finalised research projects.

The SNSF participates in the Global Research Council (GRC), a virtual organisation comprising heads of science and engineering funding agencies from around the world. The GRC is launching a pilot call committed to taking concrete steps towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through innovative research and actions.

Projects will be funded through consortia of three to six partners where researchers and practice partners from different countries work towards common goals. Applicants must form project consortia with eligible partner organisations from at least three different countries funding the call. Consortia must be based on research and innovation projects that have been completed or are nearing completion. The research and outcomes of the funded projects are expected to benefit society and improve the livelihoods of people on the ground.

The SNSF will cover the project costs of Swiss grantees. The duration of the projects is 2-4 years. The maximum amount allocated per project is 250,000 francs. A three-step selection process will apply, starting with a mandatory concept note, followed by submission and evaluation of full proposals, and ending with the final funding decision.

The call secretariat is managed by South Africa’s National Research Fund (NRF). Concept notes must be submitted using the provided template by the deadline of 31 August 2022.