NCCR Affective Sciences (2005–2017)
NCCR Directors: Prof. Klaus R. Scherer (2005–2013); Prof. David Sander (2013–2017)
Home institution: University of Geneva
Research and major results of the NCCR
The NCCR "Affective Sciences – Emotions in Individual Behaviour and Social Processes" has established a new research paradigm: the psychology of emotions. It has established one of the first research networks dedicated to exploring all kinds of emotions. Emotional factors are becoming increasingly important in explanations about human behaviour, also in politics and economics. Experts in psychology, neuroscience, medicine, philosophy, literature, history, sociology, economy and computer science worked together in the NCCR. Their insights contributed to improving physical and mental health, creating wellbeing in families and at work, and teaching people how to deal with emotions. The variety of disciplines represented within this NCCR enabled rich synergies resulting in unique interdisciplinary research.
Structural development – Perspectives for the research domain
After 12 years of funding, the NCCR proudly summed up its main achievement of having consolidated the field of the affective sciences in Switzerland and worldwide. Swiss research has achieved a privileged status in the area, which is likely to continue and even develop further thanks to the outstanding structural achievements made by the programme. The University of Geneva’s Swiss Centre for Affective Sciences (CISA) remains committed to research excellence, and its team continues to train new generations of affective scientists in the spirit of interdisciplinarity, continues to collaborate with other research institutions and to translate their work into practical resources. In doing so, they demonstrate the importance of an interdisciplinary understanding of emotions to achieve scientific excellence and promote individuals’ wellbeing and the advancement of society.
Contact details
NCCR Management
NCCR Director
Prof. David Sander
Campus Biotech
CISA - Université de Genève
Chemin des Mines 9
1202 Genève
E-mail david.sander@unige.chManagement / Coordination
Campus Biotech
CISA - Université de Genève
Daniela Sauge
Chemin des Mines 9
1202 Genève
Tel. +41 (0) 22 379 09 30
E‐mail daniela.sauge@unige.chFunding
The SNSF awarded 28 million Swiss francs to the NCCR over a duration of 12 years. The table below shows that this amount represents just a bit more than 30% of the NCCR’s overall expenditures. The remaining funds either were own funds provided by the home institution, the participating groups or contributions by third parties.
Financing 2005 – 2017 (Swiss francs)
Funding source
SNSF grant
Funds from the University of Geneva
Group funds of the project participants
External funds
Evaluation / Review Panel
For each NCCR, the SNSF appoints a Review Panel composed of renowned experts whose task it is to evaluate scientific quality and the progress made in NCCR projects. The Review Panel of the NCCR Affective Sciences consists of the following experts:
Contact person at the SNSF:
Thomas Griessen
Swiss National Science Foundation
Wildhainweg 3
3001 Bern
+41 (0) 31 308 23 51
Email thomas.griessen@snf.chResearch structures
National Centres of Competence in Research leave their mark on the research landscape well beyond the SNSF funding period. They help to define key topics and sustainably change Swiss research structures. Thus NCCRs can lead to the creation of new professorships and courses of study as well as new infrastructures or platforms at the universities involved.
NCCRs operate as a network in which a large number of scientific partners are active. Working within these networks has borne fruit in the form of new research approaches and excellent scientific contributions.
Structures created by this NCCR until now:
Contributions to society and the economy
The National Centres of Competence in Research not only engage in cutting-edge research, they also play an important role in transferring knowledge and new technologies to the economy and to society at large. They lead to the formation of start-ups, and the new insights have the potential to awaken the interest of politicians, globally active companies and the public at large.
Communication and knowledge transfer of the NCCR Affective Sciences:
Promotion of academic careers and equal opportunities
The National Centres of Competence in Research consciously promote promising young researchers and are committed to equal opportunities for men and women in research.
Measures taken by the NCCR Affective Sciences to promote young researchers and gender equality.