The SNSF has joined the Belmont Forum and will participate in three calls in 2023

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The Belmont Forum is an international partnership that supports transdisciplinary sustainability research on climate change. As a full member of the Forum, the SNSF can help shape the organisation’s work and select topics for calls.

The Belmont Forum is a partnership of funding organisations, international science councils and regional consortia from the five continents that supports collaborative, multinational and transdisciplinary research. This research covers all areas of the natural sciences as well as social sciences and humanities. In funding it, Forum members and partner organisations collaborate closely to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals at global level. Through its international calls for proposals, which are called Collaborative Research Actions (CRAs), the Belmont Forum provides an avenue to increase knowledge so that we can understand, mitigate and adapt to global environmental change.

Participation in three CRAs in 2023

The SNSF became a member of the Belmont Forum in October 2022. By joining the programme, the SNSF is not only expanding its channels for international dialogue with partners in Europe and around the world. It is also reinforcing its commitment to research that aims to promote sustainable development, international multilateral cooperation and transdisciplinarity. As a full member, the SNSF will be able to participate not only in all CRAs, but also in the process of creating them and in the strategic decisions made by the Forum.

During 2023, the SNSF will be participating in three calls already announced by the Belmont Forum: Climate, Environment & Health II, Urban Blue & Green and Climate & Cultural Heritage. All these calls are at the finalisation stage and are scheduled to launch in April 2023. The SNSF invites all Swiss-based researchers who are interested in the programme or in the subjects addressed to find out about the associated activities on the website of the Belmont Forum. We will also announce the launch of each call once its timetable has been finalised.

More than 1000 researchers funded

Since its establishment in 2009, the Belmont Forum has launched 19 calls for proposals and funded 134 projects as well as over 1000 scientists and other stakeholders in around 90 countries. The calls cover a very broad range of topics. They are developed in a scoping process in which experts, funding agencies and other relevant stakeholders define the subject matter and goals of the calls.