
© Nicolas Hansen

Your first step towards scientific independence!

Ambizione grants are aimed at early career researchers who wish to conduct, manage and lead an independent project at a Swiss higher education institution. The scheme supports young researchers both from Switzerland and abroad. Scientists holding non-professorial academic positions at higher education institutions are also eligible to submit an application.

An Ambizione grant covers the grantee's salary and the funds needed to carry out the project. An Ambizione project grant, however, comprises only project funds. The grants are awarded for a maximum of four years.

  • Participation requirements

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    The main participation requirements are listed below. Please consult the Ambizione Regulations to determine your formal eligibility.

    The precise periods are calculated on the basis of the relevant submission deadline (1 November 2024)

    • Applicants must hold a Doctorate (PhD) or have completed their medical studies (Staatsexamen or equivalent exam).
    • Applications may be submitted no later than four years after completing the doctorate (PhD). The date of the examination, respectively the defence of the doctoral thesis is the relevant date.
    • Applicants who have completed their medical exam and have done clinical work for at least three years after completing their studies (specialist certification by the FMH is an advantage) may submit an application no later than 9 years after completion of the medical exam.
    • Research activities of at least 12 months after the doctorate (PhD), respectively after the medical licence.
  • Application submission

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    Draw up your Ambizione application in accordance with the guidelines and submit it using the online platform mySNFExternal Link Icon. We recommend opening your application as early as possible to familiarise yourself with the requirements. We open the application website three months before the submission deadline. Please also note the conditions and requirements in the regulations.

    mySNF user account

    If you are submitting an application to the SNSF for the first time: register on mySNF and request your user account. We will then send you your login information by e-mail. Please note: you must request your user account at least five working days before the submission deadline. If not, we cannot guarantee timely access to mySNF. The user account will be available to you for all applications and for lifetime management of approved projects.

  • Evaluation procedure

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    You can find general information on the evaluation procedure at this link:

    Please also consult the Funding Regulations and the Organisational Regulations of the National Research Council:

    Specific instructions for the Ambizione evaluation procedure can be found in the guidelines and the regulations:

  • Documents

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  • Members of the evaluation bodies

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  • Supplementary measures

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  • FAQ

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    Where can I find the information needed to create a proposal?

    Regulations, guidelines and other important information can be found under "Documents".

    Is it possible to extend the eligibility period in special circumstances?

    The time window for submission of an Ambizione proposal can be extended if the applicant has suffered a delay due to one of the reasons stated in Clause 1.11 of the General implementation regulations for the Funding Regulations.

    Can I use the “net academic age” of the CV for calculating the eligibility window?

    No, these two are not to be used synonymously. The net academic age is the amount of time you have actually been able to dedicate to research, after deducting interruptions and non-scientific work. The net academic age is taken into account in the evaluation. For more information, see the page "Your curriculum vitae - all about the CV format" and the document "SNSF net academic age (PDF)".

    The personal requirements are stipulated by article 5 of the Ambizione Regulations (PDF). The time window may be extended if one or more of the reasons set out in Clause 1.11 of the General implementation regulations for the Funding Regulations apply. The reasons for extending the time window must be outlined in the application.

    What may I enter in the statement of mobility?

    In the statement of mobility, you are expected to justify the choice of the research institution and to present your past and planned mobility. Please also refer to the guidelines and the corresponding form. The content of the document will be part of the evaluation.

    How many times can I apply?

    Applicants whose request for an Ambizione grant was rejected may submit one further application.

    Are any exceptions possible for Ambizione regarding the 12-month period as a postdoctoral researcher after the dissertation?

    No exceptions can be granted. This requirement needs to be met by the submission deadline, with the date of the exam or thesis defence being the relevant date.

    Can I submit an Ambizione proposal in parallel with an SNSF project?

    You cannot submit an Ambizione proposal if you have an SNSF project under evaluation. If you have an approved or ongoing SNSF project, you cannot submit an Ambizione proposal for the same funding period.

    Can I transfer my entire grant to a new research institution in Switzerland?

    If you want to transfer your grant to another institution, including the funds covering your salary, contact the SNSF explaining the reasons for the move as well as its added value for your project or your career. A written request submitted by the grantee should include the following documents:

    • Like the initial research institution, the new research institution must provide confirmation letters.
    • The original research institution submits a written statement on the change.

    The SNSF evaluates the request by taking into account the project’s feasibility or the relevance to pursue your career in the new institution.

    What happens to my grant if I take on a new job outside of academic research?

    You must inform the SNSF accordingly. The SNSF terminates the grant. The remaining amount of the grant must be refunded to the SNSF.

    Can I reduce my full-time employment due to family care duties?

    The SNSF recognises that family care duties are not always compatible with full-time employment. For this reason, working part-time (min. 0.8 FTE) while being paid by an SNSF grant is possible. It is possible to plan and submit an application with full-time employment and reduce to part-time work due to family care duties and thereby extend the duration of the funding period later on. Grantees may request to change their work-time percentage at any time after the grant has been awarded.

  • News

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  • Statistics

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