Individual and flexible support for young women scientists
The gender equality grant is aimed at young women researchers funded by the SNSF. It offers them additional individualised and flexible support for their career development.
An eligible person receives CHF 1000 per 12 months' approved project running time. The grant may be used to finance career support measures but does not cover family support measures.
The gender equality grant belongs to the category of eligible costs for applications approved as of mid-April 2014 (date of the ruling). When submitting the proposal via mySNF, it is not necessary to apply for the gender equality grant as it is covered by a deficit guarantee.
If project funds are still available, they may be used to finance the gender equality grant. If the necessary amount is not covered via existing project funds, a compensatory payment may be initiated in the final financial report, provided that reference is made to the corresponding receipts. Special rules apply to fellowship holders.
The gender equality grant does not have to be applied for, neither in the project application nor via a supplementary grant during the running time of the project (except for fellowships). The costs for the gender equality grant are covered by a deficit guarantee. If project funds are still available, they may be used to finance the gender equality grant. Otherwise, a compensatory payment may be initiated in the final financial report, provided that reference is made to the corresponding receipts.
The gender equality grant for one entitled person amounts to 1,000 Swiss francs per 12 months' project duration. Incomplete years are not eligible, i.e. a maximum of 2,000 Swiss francs can be used if the duration is 30 months.
The gender equality grant can be used for mentoring, coaching, courses and workshops (incl. travel costs). The grant may also be used to cover the costs of conferences or events if they are conducive to networking.