Water4All: Call opening

© Jenny Maner, Eawag

Water4All is launching a new call for projects on aquatic ecosystems services. Swiss-based researchers can participate.

This call aims at supporting research on ecosystem services, with aquatic ecosystems as the focus, including inland surface water, groundwater, transitional and coastal water, and water security.

To this end, it covers the following three, non-exclusive research themes:

  • Mapping, monitoring and assessment for a better understanding of ecosystem services in the context of changes ranging from local to global.
  • Understanding and predicting multiple pressures (including anthropogenic pressures) – impact – response relationships in ecosystem services through advanced methods and techniques.
  • New tools and solutions for better integration of ecosystem services into the management of water resources.

Supported by the SNSF

An international panel will scientifically evaluate the pre-proposals and full proposals. Each partner in a consortium is supported by a funding agency from their country or region. Swiss-based investigators applying for financial support from the SNSF to participate in a call must be eligible for the SNSF project funding scheme. Alongside the application to Water4All, they need to submit an administrative application to the SNSF by the same submission deadline. Investigators are strongly encouraged to contact the SNSF if they are submitting their first application. Further specifications for participation in the calls are outlined in the List of national/regional regulations published on the call website.

The submission deadline for pre-proposals is: 13 November 2023.

In parallel to this call, the Biodiversa+ partnership is also launching a call for projects. While the Water4All call focuses on understanding the status of aquatic ecosystems services at varying temporal and spatial scales, the Biodiversa+ call aims at gaining a better understanding of the tipping points, trade-offs and socio-ecological mechanisms affecting nature-based solutions in all realms. Both calls are hence complementary and target different research questions. Participation in both calls is permitted with different projects.

For your information: a new National Research Programme on biodiversity and ecosystem services (NRP 82) will launch a call for proposals in December 2023. Due to the thematic proximity, we invite the applicants to the Water4All call to stay informed.