FLARE 2023-2024: Call for proposals 2022

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The SNSF is launching a second call in the FLARE funding scheme for the 2023-2024 funding period.

The funding scheme FLARE (Funding LArge international REsearch projects) aims at facilitating the development and operation of research infrastructure for major international projects in particle physics, astrophysics and astroparticle physics. Two calls were planned during the 2021-2024 period. The first call has been launched in 2020. The FLARE grants of the second call have a funding period of up to two years, starting on 1 April 2023. Project proposals can be submitted until 15 November 2022.

New features

The SNSF has signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), which recommends funders to be explicit about the criteria used in evaluating the scientific productivity of applicants. In order to comply with the DORA principles, the SNSF defined a new structure for the CV and requests a standardised set of information from all applicants. This new structure is also required for the FLARE application, you will find additional information on the website and on the mySNF FLARE application form.