Swiss Science Prize Marcel Benoist

© Daniel Rihs

Ted Turlings is the Prize winner in 2023

The Swiss Science Prize Marcel Benoist 2023 is awarded to Ted Turlings, a biologist at the University of Neuchâtel. Through his work, he has illuminated complex biological processes, influenced environmental sciences globally and opened new paths towards pesticide-free sustainable farming through the biological control of pest insects. Ted Turlings has pursued highly innovative approaches and fundamentally contributed to our understanding of the role played by chemical signals in the communication among different species – otherwise known as ‘chemical ecology’.

Making a difference to our lives

Each year since 1920, the Marcel Benoist Foundation has awarded a prize for excellent, original and innovative research that is relevant to our lives. Candidates for the prize are established scientists who are seen as having the potential to achieve further outstanding results. The prizemoney is 250,000 Swiss francs.

Selecting a winner has been the responsibility of the SNSF since 2018. The entire research community is able to submit proposals in an open nomination process.