Politics courses for researchers: Science talks to politics

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Researchers and politicians have to work together constructively to overcome the challenges facing society. The SNSF is offering new training courses to help strengthen researchers’ political skills.

Making sure both sides understand each other not only requires politicians who are interested in science, but also researchers who know something about politics. As a research funding agency, the SNSF is helping to make this happen.

Do you want to ensure your research contributes to the political debate and reaches the right people in parliament and the administration?

One-day intensive training course

The SNSF is now offering researchers in Switzerland a one-day course that will help you to achieve this. The course will focus on the foundations of Switzerland’s political system and will include in-depth discussion of “science and politics” and “taking part in political and public discourse”. The course is being run in partnership with Reatch.

During this intensive course, you will learn how to find suitable contacts in parliament and the administration. You will learn how to frame your messages in a suitable context and to estimate what their public impact will be. The course will also show you how you can avoid being exploited.

Open to all researchers in Switzerland

The course is aimed not only at researchers funded by the SNSF, but at all researchers from all disciplines and at all career stages who work at a Swiss higher education institution. An initial course in German will be held on 26 April 2023 in Bern. A corresponding French-language course is scheduled for 27 November 2023. Courses in English are being planned for 2024. The number of participants is limited to 16. All costs will be paid by the SNSF. Please read the conditions of participation.