Research output

Since 2011, the SNSF has collected extensive data on the output of funded research and published it in its research database P3.

During and after a project, researchers are able to enter details regarding publications, research events and communication activities along with other types of research output on the internet platform mySNF. The SNSF feeds the resultant output data into its research database P3, thus making it publicly accessible. In so doing, the SNSF is responding to demands from political authorities to make the output of funded projects more visible for society and policy makers.

Publications can be imported directly and project data that is already in the system can be reused. This simplifies the task for researchers. At a later stage, the SNSF will perform quantitative analyses on the output data. Individual project data will be used together with the scientific reports as a basis for evaluating follow-up projects.

Careful analysis of data

The first consolidated results for the output data will become available in two to three years' time when sufficient data has been collected. The SNSF is aware that it is difficult to identify and quantify the output it has financed and it will therefore take all necessary care when using the data. On the one hand, direct output such as research results, publications and doctoral theses are often financed by more than one source. On the other hand, indirect outcomes and the eventual impact on society and the economy often only become apparent at a national or even international level.

  • FAQ

    Dropdown Icon

    I would like to submit my interim report, but I first need to confirm that the output data are complete. How do I proceed if there are no output data as yet?

    Please nevertheless submit the output data form by going to 'Submit' and clicking on 'Publish output data'. By doing this, you are merely confirming that the information entered is up to date. You may add output data at any time in the course of the project or even after its conclusion. In addition, you may mention planned events or publications in the scientific report.

    Why are some employees not mentioned in the output data form?

    The employees are only automatically copied to the output data form after the end of the project or after an electronic departure form has been filled in via mySNF. Until then, no data needs to be entered in this section. Any link to a follow-up project is automatically created in the project database P3.

    Is it possible to upload texts or other documents to the output data form?

    The output data form is primarily used to enter metadata (e.g. bibliographical data). In addition, you may add links to publications or references to other websites. Full text documents cannot be entered as the SNSF does not wish to duplicate the repositories of the institutions of higher education.

    Which output data are published in the research database?

    In principle all output data are published in the research database. Except for:

    • Information about the people working in the project. Only the names are published.
    • The amount of the award.
    • The data for thirdy-party funds.
    • Follow-up projects that are not funded by the SNSF.

    How are the output data subsequently used?

    ​The SNSF makes the output data public via the research database P3 and performs quantitative analyses on them at a later stage. Individual project data will be used together with the scientific reports as a basis for evaluating follow-up projects. The first consolidated results for the output data will become available in two to three years' time when sufficient data has been collected. The SNSF is aware that it is difficult to identify and quantify the output it has financed and it will therefore take all necessary care when using the data.

    Who can enter output data?

    Output data can be entered by the responsible applicant and by anyone who has been authorised to enter project data in mySNF (authorisation via mySNF: > Current data > Administer authorisations). They can also be submitted and published by an authorised person. The scientific report must be submitted by the responsible applicant.

    During the automated import of publication data, the data are not added to the output data form in full.

    The automated import of publication data aids data entry. After the import, the publication type (peer-reviewed or not), the publication form and the status of the publication (in press/published) need to be entered.

    If other data fields are not imported when importing from BibTeX, EndNote, RefMan or RefWorks files, this may be for the following reasons:
    - Spaces in front of the individual publication entries: all entries must start at the beginning of the line.

    • The .enl format cannot be imported into mySNF. We recommend that you select "Export..." in Endnote and subsequently "XML" as data format.
    • If you use Mendeley or Citavi, you may also generate files in "BibTex" format.
    • As the SNSF requires structured data for display in the research database P3 and for analysis purposes, it cannot accept publication data in PDF format.

    If you continue to experience problems when importing, you have the option to send the affected files to the technical support team for verification.

    The time-out can trigger an error message during searches in the publications databases. In this case, you may need to limit your search to one database or use the search criteria.

    How does output data relate to the scientific report?

    Output data needs to be published before the scientific report is submitted, updates can be entered on a continuous basis. Both output data and scientific report are available to members of the National Research Council at the end of a project or during the evaluation of a new project. In addition, they are published in P3, the SNSF's research database, and used in aggregated form for further analyses. For this reason, only definite research output is entered as output data.

    When can output data be entered?

    Output data can be entered on a continuous basis as soon as the project is underway. Updates are requested before scientific reports are submitted and for at least two years after the end of a project. One day after entering output data, the changes are displayed in the research database P3.

    Can courses and lectures also be entered in the output data form?

    If a lecture or course is based directly on a project funded by the SNSF and clearly distinguished from other lectures and courses, you may enter it as an academic event with students as the target group.