FLARE 2025-2028: Call for proposals 2024

© Zmeel Photography

The SNSF is launching the first call for FLARE grants of the 2025-2028 funding period.

FLARE (Funding LArge international REsearch projects) aims at facilitating the development and operation of research infrastructure for major international projects in particle physics, astrophysics and astroparticle physics. FLARE grants are awarded to allow researchers employed in an eligible Swiss institution to participate in these experiments. They can have a duration of between one and four years.

At least two calls will be launched during the 2025-2028 funding period. FLARE grants have a maximum duration of four years, starting on 1 April 2025 at the earliest for this call. Project proposals must be submitted by 15 November 2024. 

New features

Since the last call, the SNSF has made several changes to the funding scheme to align it more closely with researchers' needs and to simplify the evaluation procedure. For example, the requirement that FLARE applications be linked to an SNSF-funded research project or that the underlying scientific activities be funded through other sources has been removed. Applicants can also now request part of the salaries for scientific personnel, as described in the call document, if the corresponding tasks are of a technical nature and essential to the FLARE project.