Clean Energy Transition Partnership: European call for pre-proposals

© iStock | Olesia Bekh

The Clean Energy Transition Partnership has launched a transnational call for research, technological development and innovation proposals. Swiss-based researchers can participate and help accelerate European energy transition.

The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) is a transnational initiative on joint Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RTDI) programming aimed at boosting and accelerating the energy transition, based on regional and national RTDI funding programmes in Europe. It has the following common goals:

  • Building innovation ecosystems that support capacity building at all levels.
  • Developing and demonstrating technology and solutions for the transition of energy systems.
  • Building a transnational transformative joint programming platform.
  • Making Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.

Swiss-based researchers can join consortia on equal terms

The CETPartnership enables 50 national and regional RTDI programme owners and managers from 30 countries to align their priorities, pool national budgets up to a total of 210 million euros for two joint calls in 2022 and 2023, as well as to implement annual joint calls from 2022 to 2027.

Even though Switzerland is not an associated country in Horizon Europe, the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communication (SFOE) and the Swiss Science National Foundation (SNSF) have joined the CETPartnership. Swiss-based applicants can join research consortia on equal terms with applicants from EU Member States and from other participating countries.

The Transition Initiatives: SNSF participating in TRI 5 and 7

The Transition Initiatives (TRIs) are so-called thematic configurations of CETPartnership funding partners whose aim is to collaborate on a specific Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) Challenge. The CETPartnership has established 7 TRIs:

  • TRI 1: Integrated net-zero-emissions energy system
  • TRI 2: Enhanced zero emission power technologies
  • TRI 3: Enabling climate neutrality with storage technologies, renewable fuels and CCS (carbon capture and storage) and CCU (carbon capture and utilisation)
  • TRI 4: Efficient zero emission heating and cooling solutions
  • TRI 5: Integrated regional energy systems
  • TRI 6: Integrated industrial energy systems
  • TRI 7: Integration in the built environment

While SFOE participates in TRIs 1-4 and 6, the SNSF covers TRIs 5 and 7.

Supported by the SNSF

An international panel will evaluate the pre-proposals and proposals. Each partner in a consortium is supported by a funding agency from their country or region. Applicants from Switzerland in the area of basic research must be eligible for the SNSF project funding scheme and are strongly encouraged to contact the SNSF if they plan to submit their application to the SNSF. If they submit their application to the CETPartnership, they will also need to submit an application for administration purposes to the SNSF via mySNF under Projects/Partnerships/CETP.

For further details, please refer to the website of the CETPartnership.