Working together with quantum researchers from the US

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Quantum technologies are important. The SNSF and the National Science Foundation support visits by researchers in Switzerland and the US to advance research in quantum fields.

In a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) the SNSF and the National Science Foundation (NSF) formalised efforts to foster scientific collaboration between Switzerland and the US in November 2021. Quantum is a priority area for both countries, as these technologies promise important advances in many fields. Examples are more reliable navigation and timing systems, more secure communications, more accurate healthcare imaging and more powerful computing.

Special funding for US researchers

The MoU now finds its first expression with funding opportunities in the area of quantum research. The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently published a call that offers supplemental funds for networking to existing NSF grantees in quantum information science and engineering. The aim of the call is to foster international collaboration to accelerate the fundamental understanding of quantum phenomena, materials and systems towards revolutionary advances. Research visits abroad of up to 12 months by US-based investigators are fundable. Switzerland is highlighted as one of the priority countries in the call. Applications for the 2022/23 fiscal year (from 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023) must be received before 1 May 2023. Any applications received after this date may be considered in the next fiscal year.

Scientific Exchanges for researchers in Switzerland

Conversely, Swiss-based researchers can apply for a visit to the US under the SNSF’s Scientific Exchanges scheme. It funds research visits of up to six months in all countries and disciplines. Applications can be submitted at any time, but no later than 4 months in advance. Quantum researchers from Switzerland can use this funding scheme to visit research partners in the US.