Nine recommendations for the next EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

© Aurel Märki / SNF

The SNSF makes suggestions for the new EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10). The SNSF calls for a strong framework programme that addresses global challenges and contributes to Europe's prosperity.

Society is currently facing major challenges, with the climate crisis, pandemics, wars and growing populism on the rise worldwide against a backdrop of increasing geopolitical tensions. It is therefore important to set the course for the future with the next EU Framework Programme – the world's largest research and innovation funding programme. The current Horizon Europe Framework Programme runs until 2027.

With its position paper, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is contributing to the shaping of the next EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2028-34). It sets out the vision and expectations for FP 10 from the perspective of Swiss research funding.

Five key principles

The position paper defines five principles for the development of the next EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. Excellence should be the main criterion for research funding, in line with the Excellence Model of the Swiss National Science Foundation and the principles of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA). The Framework Programme should promote diversity in the European research landscape and continue the path of Open Science already taken in the previous Framework Programme. As openness is crucial to the success of science, the Framework Programme should foster the global exchange of knowledge and ideas. Restrictions to this principle should be limited to highly sensitive topics and to cases in which cooperation is contrary to European values and principles. The Framework Programme should promote dialogue and cooperation with the public and with politicians in order to develop solutions to future challenges and seize opportunities. Last but not least, the Framework Programme should be based on values such as academic freedom, institutional autonomy and the principles of research ethics and integrity in all areas of the scientific process.

Nine recommendations

For the next EU Framework Programme to be ambitious and effective, the SNSF recommends:

  1. Strengthening global perspectives on research and innovation
    FP10 should adopt an ambitious strategy for global cooperation based on common principles and values.
  2. Reinforcing a multidimensional approach to sustainability
    A holistic approach to sustainability should be developed with investments at all levels and in all areas of research. This includes strengthening the dialogue between society and science, promoting inclusion and supporting the financial sustainability of projects and project partners.
  3. Maintaining a civil focus
    Academic freedom should be balanced against security policy considerations and economic benefits.
  4. Promoting research in the social sciences, humanities and arts across the entire FP10 programme
    There should be a systematic and explicit integration of research opportunities in all three domains with appropriate funding.
  5. Rethinking the role of mission-oriented research
    A proactive, results-oriented approach should be adopted towards funded research and mission development based on evaluation results and with limits on the budgetary contribution of the Framework Programme.
  6. Further developing European Partnerships
    FP10 should ensure support for fundamental research with a low technology readiness level (TRL) and strengthen collaborative design processes (co-creation).
  7. Integrating infrastructure and data
    Global access to research infrastructures and data should be promoted and coordination improved. FAIR data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) should be encouraged to strengthen the competitiveness and impact of research.
  8. Securing sustainable funding and creating administration fit for purpose
    The budget should be significantly increased to support the programme’s ambitious goals and efforts should be continued to streamline its administration.
  9. Enhancing the career development of researchers and brain circulation
    FP10 should foster a motivating research environment as well as long-term career prospects for researchers.
