Call for proposals – Investigator initiated clinical trials 2025
The SNSF is launching its eleventh call for clinical studies on topics that are outside the industry focus.
The programme for investigator initiated clinical trials (IICTs) of the SNSF supports clinical trials on under-researched topics that meet medical as well as social needs. Though important for patients, these topics remain outside the industry focus. The IICT programme does not provide support for non-randomised and uncontrolled trials.
Researchers wishing to participate must send a letter of intent to the SNSF by 27 May 2025, 17:00 Swiss local time. Letters of intent need to be submitted via the mySNF platform as of April of this year. The deadline for submitting proposals via mySNF is 4 November 2025, 17:00 Swiss local time. A checklist with all the necessary submission details is available on the website.
The SNSF recommends contacting local clinical trial units (CTUs) early in the process to establish the study protocol as well as involving patient representatives at every step. The support letter from the clinical trial unit must be submitted together with the letter of intent and the proposal.
A maximum of 5,000 Swiss francs can be requested to cover the costs of patient and public involvement (PPI) in preparing the application. Applications for PPI preparatory grants must also be submitted by 27 May 2025.
New this year: Resubmissions will be treated the same as first submissions. Applicants may revise and resubmit an unsuccessful application by a subsequent submission deadline but can no longer declare it as a resubmission. To ensure the equal treatment of applications, researchers will no longer be required to state in writing how the reasons for rejection have been considered in the revised proposal. However, researchers are still expected to adapt their projects, taking the reasons for rejection into consideration.