Help shape the future of research funding: the SNSF is looking for Foundation Council members

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Following the revision of its Statutes, the SNSF is seeking new members for its Foundation Council. This position requires good leadership and consensus skills as well as sound knowledge of research policy.

As a member of the Foundation Council, you will be jointly responsible for promoting the overarching goals of the Foundation and overseeing the Research Council and the Administrative Offices. You will help develop and implement the SNSF’s strategy in a sustainable manner based on the SNSF’s statutory mandate.

We are looking for individuals with experience in strategic leadership and sound knowledge of the research policy framework in Switzerland. Your expertise lies in the areas of science, business management, law or politics, and you are motivated to effectively represent the interests of the SNSF both externally and internally.

Remuneration is commensurate with the public dimension of such activities. The term of office is four years, commencing on 1 January 2024; re-election is possible once.