The 2023 SNSF Scientific Image Competition is underway

© © Florian Haufe, Christoph Bachofen, Javier Santos, Rahel Stadler

Share the beauty of your research! The Swiss National Science Foundation invites researchers working in Switzerland to send their photos and videos to the SNSF Scientific Image Competition by 31 January 2023.

The latest edition of the SNSF Scientific Image Competition is underway. Researchers in Switzerland are invited to submit photographs, images and videos produced as part of their research activities. The deadline for submitting entries is 31 January 2023.

The jury will be chaired by Mónica Bello, head of arts at CERN. The winning works will be exhibited at the Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography from 5 to 28 May 2023.

All the images submitted to the competition since its launch in 2017 – more than 2300 – are available in an online gallery for the general public as well as for the media and academic institutions in Switzerland and abroad.

The four categories of the competition

Works can be submitted under four categories:

  • Object of study
  • Locations and instruments
  • Women and men of science
  • Video loop

The jury will award a first prize of 1000 francs and several distinctions of 250 francs in each of the categories.

The competition is open to researchers working in universities or research institutes in Switzerland and Lichtenstein. Only works created after 1 January 2022 may be submitted.