SNSF Starting Grants
Lead your own independent project and research team in Switzerland.
This website is now updated. You will find the call document for SNSF Starting Grants 2025 as well as all the documents and information you need to prepare your application.
Important dates for the SNSF Starting Grants 2025 call
Call opening: 15 October 2024
Submission deadline: 15 January 2025, 5:00 p.m. (CET)
Announcement of phase 1 results: late July 2025
Interviews phase 2:
Panels SSH: 4 - 5 September 2025
Panels MINT: 18 - 19 September 2025
Panels LS: 11 - 12 September 2025
Announcement of phase 2 results: November 2025
Earliest possible project start date - latest possible project start: 1 January 2026 - 1 January 2027
SNSF Starting Grants 2025 represent the SNSF’s highest level of career funding. The call enables researchers to carry out their own independent project and lead a research team in Switzerland. Applicants must have several years of research experience following their PhD – or an equivalent qualification or medical degree – during which time they have already contributed to scientifically independent and impactful research in their field.
SNSF Starting Grants are open to all disciplines and topics. Applicants can request a budget of up to 1 million francs for project funding over a five-year period. In addition, applicants can apply for funds to cover their own salaries (see article 3.2 of the call document (PDF) for conditions).
An extra budget has been earmarked to support additional outstanding female applicants.
Participation requirements
As an applicant, you meet the personal requirements for this call if you have a doctorate, a medical degree or a qualification equivalent to a doctorate. In addition, you must fulfil the following three criteria: 1) you must fall within the eligibility window; 2) you must not yet have achieved the objective of this call; 3) you must have a link with Switzerland (Swiss-link).
Please consult the call document (PDF) to verify that you meet all the participation requirements. If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact the SNSF by email at
Repeated submissions
Applicants whose project was rejected in a previous SNSF Starting Grants call are entitled to submit a second application, regardless of the topic of the project and its evaluation. In addition, applicants whose project was rejected in the second evaluation phase for the SNSF Starting Grants 2024 may submit a third application to the SNSF Starting Grants 2025 call.
- Repeated submissions (Art. 1.4 of the call document (PDF))
Position and salary
Higher education institutions that offer assistant professorships must offer at least such a position and title for the duration of the grant. Applicants who do not already have such a secured position should request funding for their salary at the level of assistant professor via the SNSF Starting Grant.
Research institutions that do not offer assistant professor positions and titles must offer a position comprising independent project and management responsibility (“group leader position”) for the duration of the grant. Applicants who do not already have such a secured position should request funding for their salary at the level of group leader via the SNSF Starting Grant.
- Employment during the grant (Art. 1.5 call document (PDF))
- The applicants’ own salaries (Art. 3.2 call document (PDF))
Application submission
Draw up your application in accordance with the guidelines and submit it using the online platform mySNF. We recommend opening your application as early as possible to familiarise yourself with the requirements.
Please include the following important elements when preparing and submitting an application:
- Research plan (Art. 4.1 Call Document (PDF))
- CV and major achievements (Art. 4.2 Call Document (PDF))
- Requested funding (Art. 3.1 Call Document (PDF))
- Confirmation letter from the host institution (Art. 1.5 and Art. 1.6 Call Document (PDF))
- Uploading the application: (Art. 4.3 Call Document (PDF))
- Multiple applications and duplicate funding: (Art. 1.3 Call Document (PDF))
Higher education institution
The higher education institution or research institution must complete and sign the confirmation letter in accordance with the provided template (template for the 2025 call (Word)).
Evaluation procedure
The evaluation of the submitted proposals is based on the principle of competition. Discipline-specific panels of scientists will evaluate the proposals in a two-phase procedure.
The applications are assessed and rated on the basis of the submitted documents for phase 1 and on the basis of additional external peer reviews and interviews for phase 2. The applications are then ranked in comparison with one another.
- Evaluation panels and external reviewers (Art. 5.1 of the call document (PDF))
- Evaluation procedure (Art. 5.2 of the call document (PDF))
- Evaluation criteria (Art. 5.3 of the call document (PDF))
- Evaluation form – SNSF Starting Grants (PDF)
- Outcome and communication of decisions (Art. 5.4 of the call document (PDF))
Guidelines and regulations
Legal basis:
The general provisions of the SNSF apply to the SNSF Starting Grants 2025 call:
- Funding Regulations (PDF)
- General Implementation regulations for the Funding Regulations (PDF)
- Call Document 2025: submission deadline 15.01.2025 (PDF)
- Call Document 2024: submission deadline 01.02.2024 (PDF)
- Call Document 2023: submission deadline 01.02.2023 (PDF)
- Call Document 2022: submission deadline 01.02.2022 (PDF)
Ethics and integrity:
Research activities and methods that have ethical implications or may raise questions requiring sound ethical assessment must be declared on mySNF. Hence, please take note of the relevant Swiss laws and ethical standards. Furthermore, the rules of scientific integrity must be respected.
Members of the evaluation bodies
The following lists contain the names of the members of evaluation panels. The SNSF does not consider interactions between applicants and members of evaluation panels regarding applications to be compatible with academic best practices.
- Evaluation panel - Starting Grants - Call 2025 - SSH-A
- Evaluation panel - Starting Grants - Call 2025 - SSH-B
- Evaluation panel - Starting Grants - Call 2025 - SSH-C
- Evaluation panel - Starting Grants - Call 2025 - MINT-A
- Evaluation panel - Starting Grants - Call 2025 - MINT-B
- Evaluation panel - Starting Grants - Call 2025 - MINT-C
- Evaluation panel - Starting Grants - Call 2025 - LS-A
- Evaluation panel - Starting Grants - Call 2025 - LS-B
- Evaluation panel - Starting Grants - Call 2025 - LS-C
Supplementary measures
Where can I find the information needed to create a proposal?
The Call document (PDF) and other important information can be found under "Participation requirements".
Is it possible to extend the eligibility period in special circumstances?
The eligibility window for submission of an SNSF Starting Grant proposal can be extended if the applicant can demonstrate a delay due to the reasons stated in Article 1.11 of the General implementation regulations for the Funding Regulations (PDF).
What is the net academic age?
The net academic age is calculated automatically in the CV format and indicates how much time you have been able to spend doing research since obtaining your doctorate. It is taken into account in the evaluation.
Why does the SNSF require a specific CV format?
The SNSF has signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), which recommends that research funders explicitly define the criteria they use to evaluate scientific productivity. These concern the scientific quality, value and impact of applicants’ research output (including datasets, software and prototypes) in addition to publications.
Where can I find information about the CV format?
Can I resubmit an SNSF Starting Grant application if my project was rejected in a previous SNSF Starting Grant evaluation?
Applicants whose project was rejected in a previous SNSF Starting Grants call are entitled to submit a second application, regardless of the topic of the project and its evaluation. In addition, applicants whose project was rejected in the second evaluation phase for the SNSF Starting Grants 2024 may submit a third application to the SNSF Starting Grants 2025 call.
I currently have an ongoing Ambizione grant. Can I apply for an SNSF Starting Grant?
Ambizione grantees can submit an SNSF Starting Grant application at the earliest 12 months after the start of their Ambizione grant – provided they meet all other criteria stipulated in the call document. If your salary needs to be covered by the SNSF for the duration of the SNSF Starting Grant, you should request your salary in your SNSF Starting Grant application.
I have an ongoing PRIMA / Eccellenza / SNSF Starting Grant / ERC Starting Grant / Practice-to Science. Can I still apply for an SNSF Starting Grant?
No, you are no longer eligible because you have already achieved the objective of the SNSF Starting Grant, as stated in Art. 1.2 of the call document (PDF).
Are any exceptions possible regarding the requirement of at least two years' research experience after the doctorate for SNSF Starting Grants?
No exceptions can be granted. This requirement needs to be met on 1 February 2025, whereby the date of the examination or defence of the thesis is decisive.
Are exceptions possible regarding the minimum two-year Swiss link for SNSF Starting Grants?
No. The minimum two-year Swiss link must be fulfilled on 1 February 2025.
Can I submit an SNSF Starting Grant application at the same time as an SNSF project or Ambizione application?
No. It is not possible to have several applications under evaluation at the same time for grants that overlap with the funding period requested for the SNSF Starting Grant. Exceptions apply to parallel submissions to NRPs, NCCRs or other one-time calls.
Can I apply for an ERC Starting Grant and an SNSF Starting Grant at the same time?
Yes. Parallel submission of applications for an ERC Starting Grant and for an SNSF Starting Grant is allowed.
Can I apply for an ERC Synergy Grant and an SNSF Starting Grant at the same time?
Yes. Parallel submission of applications for an ERC Synergy Grant and for an SNSF Starting Grant is allowed.
As an assistant professor at a Swiss higher education institution, can I submit an SNSF Starting Grant application if the defence of my doctorate is within the time frame of 2-8 years?
Yes, provided that you have not received significant third-party funding (see Art. 1.2 of the call document). Furthermore, you must meet all three personal eligibility requirements by 1 February 2025. If in doubt, you can contact the SNSF by email at
I have an interdisciplinary project that I cannot easily categorize into one research domain and a main and sub-discipline(s) on mySNF. What do I need to consider?
The interdisciplinary character of your proposal will be taken into account during the evaluation. Depending on the choice of research domain, your proposal will be evaluated in one of the following three research domains: Social Sciences and Humanities; Mathematics, Information Technology, Natural Sciences and Technology; or Life Sciences. If your project is situated at the intersection between these domains, you should go to “Basic data I” on mySNF and choose the research domain in which you want the proposal to be evaluated. The main referee will then be assigned from the selected research domain, while the co-referee(s) may be assigned from the other research domain(s).
My application is linked to a research institution that does not offer assistant professorships; can I still apply for an SNSF Starting Grant 2024 without the guarantee of such a position during the grant?
Yes. For institutions that do not offer assistant professor positions, an equivalent position involving independent project and management responsibilities ("group leader position") is accepted.
I have a paid position at a higher education institution or research institution in Switzerland for the entire duration of the proposed SNSF Starting Grant. What do I need to consider?
- If applicants do not request any salary, then they must be employed at least 0.5 FTE and dedicate at least 0.5 FTE to the project funded by this grant.
- If applicants request a part of their salary and are employed at a university of applied sciences or of teacher education, then they must be employed at least 0.8 FTE and spend at least 70% of their working time on the project. The rest of their working time should be primarily dedicated to activities expected for the development of an academic career.
- If applicants request a part of their salary and are researchers who do clinical work, then they must be employed at least 0.5 FTE as a researcher and dedicate at least 0.5 FTE to the project funded by this grant and the rest mainly on clinical work.
- In all other cases, the applicant must be employed at least 0.8 FTE and spend at least 80% of their working time on the project funded by this grant and the rest mainly on activities expected for the development of an academic career.
Can I submit an independent research project without applying for a team?
No, because the aim of the SNSF Starting Grants is to carry out an independent research project and to lead a research team in Switzerland.
What happens if I am offered a professorship or a group management position and my salary is covered by the SNSF Starting Grant?
You must inform the SNSF accordingly. The awarded project funds can usually be used for further scientific employment with project and management responsibility in Switzerland. The remaining amount of your salary must be reimbursed to the SNSF.
I am a clinically active researcher. Does the SNSF cover the part of my salary that is dedicated to my clinical work?
For clinically active researchers, the SNSF covers the share of the salary awarded for research activities. The share for clinical work must be financed by the research institution/hospital and is not financed by the SNSF. The total work-time percentage of clinical and research activities must not exceed 100%.
What happens to my SNSF Starting Grant if I am appointed at a university abroad?
Requests for the continued use of the awarded funds will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The conditions are described on the "Money follows Researcher" page.
Can I transfer my entire grant to a new research institution in Switzerland?
If you wish to transfer your grant, including the funds covering your salary, to another research institution, you should contact the SNSF and explain the reasons for the move as well as its added value for your project or its importance for your career. A written request submitted by the grantee should include the following documents:
- Like the original research institution, the new research institution must provide a confirmation letter.
- An authorized body of the former research institution acknowledges the change in writing to the SNSF.
The SNSF evaluates the request taking into account the feasibility of the project or your career at the new institution.
What happens to my grant if I accept a new job outside academic research?
You must inform the SNSF accordingly. The SNSF will terminate the grant. The remaining amount of the grant must be reimbursed to the SNSF.
Can I reduce my full-time employment due to family care duties?
The SNSF recognises that family care duties are not always compatible with full-time employment. For this reason, working part-time (min. 0.8 FTE) while being paid by an SNSF grant is possible. It is possible to plan and submit an application with full-time employment and reduce to part-time work due to family care duties and thereby extend the duration of the funding period later on. Grantees may request to change their work-time percentage at any time after the grant has been awarded.
How do I fulfill the time period and work time percentage requirements?
In the case of the Swiss-link, applicants must have carried out research for the equivalent of at least two years with an average worktime percentage of at least 80% (0.8 FTE). To fulfill this requirement, applicants must have carried out research over a time period of at least two years and may fulfil the average worktime percentage of at least 80% (or at least 19.2 months in total) over a longer time period.