Horizon Europe transitional measures – update

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Our funding schemes – up-to-date information for researchers

Here you will find all the information and documents concerning the transitional measures implemented by the SNSF on behalf of government.

  • Call for proposals

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  • FAQ SNSF Advanced Grants

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    Can I apply for SNSF AdG 2023 if I previously applied for SNSF AdG 2022?

    Applicants whose project was rejected in the first or second stage of the evaluation for SNSF Advanced Grants 2022 can submit an application for the SNSF Advanced Grants 2023 call. However, recently submitted and evaluated proposals will not be treated as resubmissions but as new applications.

    Can researchers with less than ten years of research experience apply for SNSF AdG 2023?

    Researchers can apply for SNSF AdG 2023 even if they do not yet have ten years of research experience, regardless of the date of their PhD or PhD equivalent. All applicants should be active, established researchers and team leaders with an outstanding track record, which must be detailed in the application. For more information on the expected profile of applicants under SNSF AdG 2023, please refer to the call document.

    Are only PhD holders eligible to apply for SNSF AdG 2023?

    Yes, in principle an applicant should hold a PhD. Applicants without a PhD must generally have completed 3 years of research work (as their main job) since obtaining their higher education degree. Such research work will be regarded as equivalent to a PhD.

    Can researchers from abroad also apply for SNSF AdG 2023?

    Researchers from abroad can apply for SNSF AdG 2023. However, they must provide confirmation from their host institution stating that they will have a job of at least 50% (0.5 FTE) for the entire duration of the project, if the project is funded.

    Can researchers submit an application if they plan to retire during the project period?

    According to section 1.4 of the Funding Regulations (PDF), eligibility to submit applications ends with the conferral of emeritus status or with retirement. Retired persons or persons with emeritus status continue to be eligible to submit applications if employment of at least 50% (0.5 FTE) at the Swiss research institution is guaranteed. The employment must cover the entire duration of the project, irrespective of the project start date.

    Can several researchers submit a joint application?

    SNSF AdGs 2023 are limited to one applicant.

    How does pre-registration work and can applicants still make changes afterwards?

    Information from pre-registration is used to search for suitable members of the international evaluation panel. The following information is required: applicant details, host laboratory/institution, basic data I (incl. project title and disciplines), basic data II (summary and keywords). Changes can be made to the information up to the time of final submission. Applicants must send an email to adg@snf.chExternal Link Icon confirming completion of their pre-registration.

    Do applicants need to submit additional documents (such as degree or birth certificate)?

    It is sufficient to store the corresponding information in the appropriate data containers on mySNF.

    When must the host institution commitment letter be submitted and who should sign it?

    The host institution commitment letter must be submitted at the time of the final submission of the application, and not at the time of pre-registration. The document must be signed by a person who can legally represent the institution and thus authoritatively confirm the information in the host institution commitment letter (PDF).

    What is the page limit of the research plan?

    Under the SNSF AdG 2023 call, the research plan should not exceed 14 pages (not including the bibliography).

    Who can be considered as an external reviewer?

    The SNSF makes every effort to ensure the high quality and international recognition of reviewers.

    The SNSF currently pursues a policy of prioritising reviewers who are based outside Switzerland in order to reduce the risk of conflicts of interest in undertaking evaluations.

    Should the applicant include a budget table and justification of resources in a separate document?

    Under the SNSF AdG 2023 call, the requested budget needs to be entered in the data container “Requested budget” in mySNF (no specific budget table is required).

    The justification of resources must be provided in a separate document (see Section 3.1 of the SNSF AdG call document (PDF)) and uploaded to the mySNF data container “Research plan and resources”. All eligible costs must be in line with the aims of the project for its entire duration and fully justified. Project costs should be estimated as accurately as possible. The evaluation panels assess the estimated costs carefully and are entitled to reduce unjustified budgets items. The applicant should not include any description of resources or budget details in the scientific part of the application.

    How is overhead calculated?

    SNSF AdGs are awarded up to a maximum of CHF 1,900,000. Overhead is calculated separately and paid directly to the host institution in keeping with SNSF practices (see Section 3. of the SNSF AdG call document (PDF)).

    How are additional costs handled?

    Applicants may request funding of up to CHF 870,000 over and above the maximum budget of CHF 1,900,000 as additional costs:

    • for costs in connection with the move to Switzerland
    • for the acquisition or use of scientific infrastructure/major equipment (these costs must be project-specific and not usable for other research groups); standard infrastructure and equipment are partially financed with overhead
    • other major experimental and fieldwork costs, excluding personnel costs.

    Additional costs may be requested regardless of whether the maximum budget has been reached.

    Can applicants finance their own salary through the SNSF AdG?

    Yes, this is possible.

    Are there regulations on how much time applicants must spend working on the project?

    Applicants are expected to dedicate a minimum of 30% of their working time to the project.

    If I am awarded an SNSF AdG, will I still be able to apply for other SNSF grants?

    Yes, holders of an SNSF AdG 2023 can submit proposals under other SNSF funding schemes (such as project funding or R’Equip), as long as the proposals address different topics and have different aims and methodologies.

    Will evaluation of applications under SNSF AdG 2023 take place independently of ERC frontier research grants?

    Evaluation of SNSF AdGs takes place independently of ERC frontier research grants.

    Can applicants hold an SNSF AdG in parallel with an ERC frontier research grant?

    Applicants can apply for SNSF AdG 2023 and for an ERC frontier research grant in parallel. Should both proposals be funded, the applicant would have to choose one project. Applicants have 12 months from the date of the decision letter to choose which project to pursue. In general, funding is not available for projects that have already been funded by the SNSF or third parties. Researchers who apply for SNSF AdG 2023 must inform the SNSF about any existing ERC frontier research grants and parallel applications for funding, as well as any thematic overlaps.

    Researchers with an ongoing ERC frontier research grant may not submit a proposal to SNSF AdG 2023 unless the current project concludes before the end of December 2025. An SNSF AdG 2023 project can only start once the ERC frontier research grant has been completed.

    How many parallel SNSF projects may applicants have?

    SNSF Advanced Grants projects do NOT count towards the project funding limit, and can therefore be conducted in parallel with the other project grants. This list (PDF) shows which funding schemes are affected by the limit.

    Projects running in parallel must have different subjects.

    It is not possible to simultaneously receive an SNSF Advanced Grant and other grants in connection with the Horizon Europe transitional measures.

    What is the success rate and the total budget allocated by the SNSF?

    The funds allocated and the expected success rate are not communicated. However, the selection process will be very competitive, similar to the ERC frontier research grants.

    When is the earliest and latest date a project can be started?

    The earliest possible start date is 1 January 2025. The project start date can be postponed for up to 12 months after receipt of the decision.

    What happens to my SNSF Advanced Grant if I am appointed to a higher education institution abroad?

    Applications to transfer project funds from an SNSF Advanced Grant to move abroad (see also "Money follows Researcher" procedure) are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Salary components of the grantee are not remitted abroad. As a rule, such applications can only be submitted to the SNSF two years after the start of the grant.

    Are the family allowances paid by the employer included in the maximum amount of the SNSF Advanced Grants instrument?

    If you, as an employee, are entitled to family allowances paid by your employer that were granted before you submitted your application, the family allowances are not included in the maximum amount of CHF 1.9 million. Family allowances can be added to this cap.

    If you become a parent during the evaluation or in the course of the grant, the SNSF will, upon written request, settle the negative balance at the end of the grant that arose due to the payment of the family allowance.

  • FAQ SNSF Consolidator Grants

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    When precisely does the eligibility window for participation in the CoG2023 call start and when does it close?

    The doctorate/PhD/equivalent qualification must have been awarded between 1 January 2011 and 16 October 2016.

    Any requests for an extension of the eligibility window (beyond the maximum; due to maternity/paternity leave, clinical training or other career break) should be explained and adequately documented in the CV.

    Is it possible to extend the eligibility period in special circumstances?

    The time window for submission of an SNSF Consolidator Grant proposal can be extended if the applicant has suffered a delay due to one of the reasons stated in Clause 1.11 of the General implementation regulations for the Funding Regulations (PDF).

    What is the difference between the academic age and the net academic age?

    The academic age indicates how much time has passed since the doctorate. It is relevant for calculating the time window in accordance with the personal requirements (see Call document). On the other hand, the net academic age (calculated automatically in the new CV format) indicates how much time you have been able to spend doing research since your doctorate; it is taken into account in the evaluation. Hence the net academic age cannot be used to calculate the eligibility window. The reasons for exceptions to the time window stated in Clause 1.11 of the General implementation regulations for the Funding Regulations (PDF) do not cover all of the deductions that can be claimed in terms of the net academic age (see SNSF_net-academic-age.pdf (PDF)). In addition, proof is required for the deductions that can be claimed in order to extend the eligibility time window (exceptions: maternity (18 months) and paternity (actual duration)). If the PhD/doctorate/equivalent qualification was obtained seven years ago, the eligibility criteria are met even if the net academic age is less than seven years.

    Can researchers who submitted an application for an SNSF Consolidator Grant 2022 apply again this year for an SNSF Consolidator Grant 2023?

    Applicants whose project was rejected at the first or second evaluation stage for SNSF Consolidator Grants 2022 can apply for an SNSF Consolidator Grants 2023. Previously submitted and evaluated proposals, however, will not be regarded as resubmissions but as new applications.

    When are the earliest and latest dates a project can be started?

    The earliest possible start date is 1 August 2024. The project start date can be postponed by up to 12 months after receipt of the decision.

    Can I transfer my entire grant to a new research institution in Switzerland?

    If you want to transfer your grant to another institution, including the funds covering your salary, contact the SNSF explaining the reasons for the move as well as its added value for your project. A written request submitted by the grantee should include the following documents: Like the initial research institution, the new research institution must provide confirmation letters. The original research institution submits a written statement on the change. The SNSF evaluates the request by taking into account the project’s feasibility in the new institution.

    What happens if I obtain a professorship and my salary is covered by the SNSF Consolidator Grant?

    You must inform the SNSF accordingly. If the professorship is in Switzerland, you may generally continue to use the project funds. Any surplus from your salary must be refunded to the SNSF.

    What happens to my SNSF Consolidator Grant if I am appointed to a higher education institution abroad?

    Applications to transfer project funds from an SNSF Consolidator Grant to move abroad (see also https://www.snf.ch/en/cwEW5KbgFWs6YNmW/funding/supplementary-measures/money-follows-researcher ) are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Salary components of the grantee are not remitted abroad. As a rule, such applications can only be submitted to the SNSF two years after the start of the grant.

    If I am awarded an SNSF Consolidator Grant, will I still be able to apply for other SNSF grants?

    Yes, holders of an SNSF CoG 2023 can submit proposals under other SNSF funding schemes (such as project funding), as long as the proposals address different topics and have different aims and methodologies.

    How many parallel SNSF projects may applicants hold?

    Researchers can now hold up to three grants from project funding for the same funding period when at least one of these grants is a Lead Agency/Weave, International Co-Investigator Scheme or European consortium project. The topics addressed by the individual projects must clearly differ from one another. Be aware that the SNSF transitional measures grants are not considered as part of project funding.

    Are the family allowances paid by the employer included in the maximum amount of the SNSF Consolidator Grants instrument?

    If you, as an employee, are entitled to family allowances paid by your employer that were granted before you submitted your application, the family allowances are not included in the maximum amount of CHF 1.75 million. Family allowances can be added to this cap.

    If you become a parent during the evaluation or in the course of the grant, the SNSF will, upon written request, settle the negative balance at the end of the grant that arose due to the payment of the family allowance.

  • FAQ SNSF Starting Grants

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    Where can I find the information needed to create a proposal?

    The Call document (PDF) and other important information can be found under "Participation requirements".

    Is it possible to extend the eligibility period in special circumstances?

    The eligibility window for submission of an SNSF Starting Grant proposal can be extended if the applicant can demonstrate a delay due to the reasons stated in Article 1.11 of the General implementation regulations for the Funding Regulations (PDF).

    What is the net academic age?

    The net academic age is calculated automatically in the CV format and indicates how much time you have been able to spend doing research since obtaining your doctorate. It is taken into account in the evaluation.

    Why does the SNSF require a specific CV format?

    The SNSF has signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), which recommends that research funders explicitly define the criteria they use to evaluate scientific productivity. These concern the scientific quality, value and impact of applicants’ research output (including datasets, software and prototypes) in addition to publications.

    Where can I find information about the CV format?

    You can find additional information about the CV format here. To create a CV, you can use the following linkExternal Link Icon. (See also: A new CV).

    Can I resubmit an SNSF Starting Grant application if my project was rejected in a previous SNSF Starting Grant evaluation?

    Applicants whose project was rejected in a previous SNSF Starting Grants call are entitled to submit a second application, regardless of the topic of the project and its evaluation. In addition, applicants whose project was rejected in the second evaluation phase for the SNSF Starting Grants 2024 may submit a third application to the SNSF Starting Grants 2025 call.

    I currently have an ongoing Ambizione grant. Can I apply for an SNSF Starting Grant?

    Ambizione grantees can submit an SNSF Starting Grant application at the earliest 12 months after the start of their Ambizione grant – provided they meet all other criteria stipulated in the call document. If your salary needs to be covered by the SNSF for the duration of the SNSF Starting Grant, you should request your salary in your SNSF Starting Grant application.

    I have an ongoing PRIMA / Eccellenza / SNSF Starting Grant / ERC Starting Grant. Can I still apply for an SNSF Starting Grant?

    No, you are no longer eligible because you have already achieved the objective of the SNSF Starting Grant, as stated in Art. 1.2 of the call document (PDF).

    Are any exceptions possible regarding the requirement of at least two years' research experience after the doctorate for SNSF Starting Grants?

    No exceptions can be granted. This requirement needs to be met on 1 February 2025, whereby the date of the examination or defence of the thesis is decisive.

    Are exceptions possible regarding the minimum two-year Swiss link for SNSF Starting Grants?

    No. The minimum two-year Swiss link must be fulfilled on 1 February 2025.

    Can I submit an SNSF Starting Grant application at the same time as an SNSF project or Ambizione application?

    No. It is not possible to have several applications under evaluation at the same time for grants that overlap with the funding period requested for the SNSF Starting Grant. Exceptions apply to parallel submissions to NRPs, NCCRs or other one-time calls.

    Can I apply for an ERC Starting Grant and an SNSF Starting Grant at the same time?

    Yes. Parallel submission of applications for an ERC Starting Grant and for an SNSF Starting Grant is allowed.

    Can I apply for an ERC Synergy Grant and an SNSF Starting Grant at the same time?

    Yes. Parallel submission of applications for an ERC Synergy Grant and for an SNSF Starting Grant is allowed.

    As an assistant professor at a Swiss higher education institution, can I submit an SNSF Starting Grant application if the defence of my doctorate is within the time frame of 2-8 years?

    Yes, provided that you have not received significant third-party funding (see Art. 1.2 of the call document). Furthermore, you must meet all three personal eligibility requirements by 1 February 2025. If in doubt, you can contact the SNSF by email at stg@snf.chExternal Link Icon.

    I have an interdisciplinary project that I cannot easily categorize into one research domain and a main and sub-discipline(s) on mySNF. What do I need to consider?

    The interdisciplinary character of your proposal will be taken into account during the evaluation. Depending on the choice of research domain, your proposal will be evaluated in one of the following three research domains: Social Sciences and Humanities; Mathematics, Information Technology, Natural Sciences and Technology; or Life Sciences. If your project is situated at the intersection between these domains, you should go to “Basic data I” on mySNF and choose the research domain in which you want the proposal to be evaluated. The main referee will then be assigned from the selected research domain, while the co-referee(s) may be assigned from the other research domain(s).

    My application is linked to a research institution that does not offer assistant professorships; can I still apply for an SNSF Starting Grant 2024 without the guarantee of such a position during the grant?

    Yes. For institutions that do not offer assistant professor positions, an equivalent position involving independent project and management responsibilities ("group leader position") is accepted.

    Can I apply for only part of my salary if my research institution covers the rest?

    Yes, that is possible. However, the work-time percentage must not exceed 100%.

    I have a paid position at a higher education institution or research institution in Switzerland for the entire duration of the proposed SNSF Starting Grant. What do I need to consider?

    • If applicants do not request any salary, then they must be employed at least 0.5 FTE and dedicate at least 0.5 FTE to the project funded by this grant.
    • If applicants request a part of their salary and are employed at a university of applied sciences or of teacher education, then they must be employed at least 0.8 FTE and spend at least 70% of their working time on the project. The rest of their working time should be primarily dedicated to activities expected for the development of an academic career.
    • If applicants request a part of their salary and are researchers who do clinical work, then they must be employed at least 0.5 FTE as a researcher and dedicate at least 0.5 FTE to the project funded by this grant and the rest mainly on clinical work.
    • In all other cases, the applicant must be employed at least 0.8 FTE and spend at least 80% of their working time on the project funded by this grant and the rest mainly on activities expected for the development of an academic career.

    Can I submit an independent research project without applying for a team?

    No, because the aim of the SNSF Starting Grants is to carry out an independent research project and to lead a research team in Switzerland.

    What happens if I am offered a professorship or a group management position and my salary is covered by the SNSF Starting Grant?

    You must inform the SNSF accordingly. The awarded project funds can usually be used for further scientific employment with project and management responsibility in Switzerland. The remaining amount of your salary must be reimbursed to the SNSF.

    I am a clinically active researcher. Does the SNSF cover the part of my salary that is dedicated to my clinical work?

    For clinically active researchers, the SNSF covers the share of the salary awarded for research activities. The share for clinical work must be financed by the research institution/hospital and is not financed by the SNSF. The total work-time percentage of clinical and research activities must not exceed 100%.

    What happens to my SNSF Starting Grant if I am appointed at a university abroad?

    Requests for the continued use of the awarded funds will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The conditions are described on the "Money follows Researcher" page.

    Can I transfer my entire grant to a new research institution in Switzerland?

    If you wish to transfer your grant, including the funds covering your salary, to another research institution, you should contact the SNSF and explain the reasons for the move as well as its added value for your project or its importance for your career. A written request submitted by the grantee should include the following documents:

    • Like the original research institution, the new research institution must provide a confirmation letter.
    • The original research institution submits a written statement regarding the change.

    The SNSF evaluates the request taking into account the feasibility of the project or your career at the new institution.

    What happens to my grant if I accept a new job outside academic research?

    You must inform the SNSF accordingly. The SNSF will terminate the grant. The remaining amount of the grant must be reimbursed to the SNSF.

    Can I reduce my full-time employment due to family care duties?

    The SNSF recognises that family care duties are not always compatible with full-time employment. For this reason, working part-time (min. 0.8 FTE) while being paid by an SNSF grant is possible. It is possible to plan and submit an application with full-time employment and reduce to part-time work due to family care duties and thereby extend the duration of the funding period later on. Grantees may request to change their work-time percentage at any time after the grant has been awarded.

  • FAQ SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships

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    What is the grant award of a SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship?

    With the Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships, the SNSF covers the recipients’ salary and social security costs. The average gross salary will be around CHF 105,000 per annum for a work-time quota of 100% (1 FTE). The SNSF and the HR office of the higher education institution where the grant holder is employed will define the precise salary for postdocs in accordance with the salary scales applied by the institution to researchers with comparable qualifications.

    For guidelines on the rates for employees and for social contributions, refer to:

    Annex 12: Salary ranges, guidelines for employees in SNSF-funded projects
    and blankets amounts for social security contributions

    In addition to the recipients’ salary, project funds, including research costs directly linked to the implementation of the project, training and networking contributions, are also covered. Project funds must not exceed CHF 24,000 for a two-year grant. If the duration of the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship is less than 2 years, the maximum amount will be proportionately smaller.

    Can an SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship be conducted at different host institutions?

    In principle, the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship is awarded for a continuous stay in Switzerland. It is permissible, however, to conduct the stay at different host institutions in Switzerland or abroad. Also, it is permissible to spend parts of the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship at institutions operating in the practical field (industry, administration, etc.; Intersectoral mobility). The total duration of such stays may not, however, exceed one third of the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship. During the period spent at another host institution, the grantee will remain employed at the (main) host institution in Switzerland.

    Do I need as a researcher in the medical field to have a PhD to be eligible for an SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship or is an MD also accepted?

    At the time of the submission deadline, researchers must hold a doctoral degree (PhD) to be eligible as postdoctoral researchers. A medical doctor degree will be accepted only if it corresponds to a research doctorate or a comparable academic degree (PhD, MD-PhD), or if the researcher can show that, they have been appointed to a position that requires doctoral equivalency (e.g. postdoc position, professorship appointment thanks to a Staatsexamen or equivalent exam). Medical doctor degrees corresponding to basic medical training (e.g. MD, see also Annex V of Directive 2005/36/EC) will not be considered a doctoral degree.

    Researchers who have defended their doctoral thesis but not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree will also be considered postdoctoral researchers and eligible. An official document confirming that they have successfully passed the doctoral exam is required.

    Note that doctoral studies for attaining an MD-PhD degree cannot be funded under the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships call.

    As the recipient of an SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship, can I work part-time?

    Researchers must commit themselves as grantees to a work quota of 100% (1.0 FTE). A part-time work quota corresponding to at least 80% (0.8 FTE) is possible if the grantee has clinical or care duties, or pursues courses at a higher education institution to further his/her career.

    For researchers doing clinical work: The salary share dedicated to research (at least 80%) is covered by the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship. The salary share for the work-time percentage dedicated to clinical work (up to 20%) must be covered by the research institution.

    As the recipient of an SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship, can I delay the start of the grant and, if yes, for how long?

    Yes, a delay is possible until one year after the date of the SNSF decision letter.

    I am a recipient of an MSCA grant. Can I apply for an SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship?

    Recipients of an MSCA grant can apply for an SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship if the eligibility criteria are met. By the submission date and during the evaluation of an application, researchers must immediately inform the SNSF about any other applications currently being evaluated by the SNSF or third parties as well as about ongoing grants from the SNSF or third parties. (Funding Regulations (PDF), Article 18). The SNSF does not award any grants for research projects that are already being funded by the SNSF or third parties (Funding Regulations (PDF), Article 8, Paragraph 3, letter e). In other words, double funding for the same research project is explicitly excluded. Should the applicant receive another grant from the SNSF for the same project, they must decide which one to accept and which one to decline.

    Under SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships, may a supervisor have multiple grantees?

    Yes, a supervisor can host multiple recipients of a Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship, as long as support for each of them is ensured. However, the SNSF does not award any grants for research projects that are already being funded by the SNSF or third parties (Funding Regulations (PDF), Article 8, Paragraph 3). In other words, double funding for the same research project is explicitly excluded.

    Under SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships, the researcher has been living in Switzerland for more than one year. Is the researcher eligible to apply for an SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship?

    No, the researcher would not be eligible for an SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship. In order to ensure the equal treatment of all applicants, the mobility rule is applied strictly. However, short stays for medical reasons will not be taken into account for the assessment of the mobility rule. If the researcher had to relocate to Switzerland in order to obtain medical care during a significant period of time, this long stay will, however, be taken into account.

    Under SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships, how will the mobility rule be applied to periods of remote working/teleworking, when assessing eligibility?

    In order to be eligible, the researcher cannot be in either of the two following situations:

    • have resided in Switzerland for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately prior to the call deadline;
    • have carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Switzerland for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately prior to the call deadline. In case of remote work performed from another country for an employer located in Switzerland, the place of main activity is considered as Switzerland.

    Example: A researcher started a contract with a Swiss university in January 2023. However, the researcher worked for the Swiss university remotely from another country. As per the mobility rule in Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships, the researcher will not be eligible.

    The researcher exceeds the eligibility window of 8 years after the obtainment of the PhD degree with respect to the submission deadline. Can the researcher still apply for an SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship?

    In case researchers exceed the eligibility window with respect to the submission deadline, an extension may be requested. Researchers must explain their reasons for applying for an extension to the SNSF. In particular, the following reasons for delays are acceptable (see Clause 1.11 para. 2 of the General implementation regulations for the Funding Regulations (PDF)):

    a. paternity, adoption or parental leave;

    b. inability to work due to illness or accident;

    c. care duties;

    d. services that benefit the general public, particularly military or civilian service;

    e. continuing education in connection with the applicant’s research activities, particularly internships or clinical work;

    f. preparatory activities connected to the dissertation, e.g. participation in classes at a doctoral school.

    The weeks during which the research activity was interrupted, reduced or not increased for an acceptable reason will be considered for the extension. The difference in percentage between the actual work-time percentage and 100% is recognized. If the research work is interrupted, the relevant weeks will be recognized for the extension in full (100%).

    In the event of maternity, the relevant period is extended by 18 months per child. 6 If the applicant can prove that the delay exceeds 18 months, the additional time will be added to the said period.

    Important notice: The SNSF will perform the eligibility assessment only after the submission deadline based on the whole dossier. In other words, a pre-eligibility check before the call deadline cannot be made.

    Under SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships, can researchers of any nationality apply?

    Researchers for an SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship can be of any nationality (including Swiss nationality), who have not resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Switzerland for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately prior to the submission deadline.

    My proposal was not successful under the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021 and/or 2022 call. Can I submit a revised application under the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 call?

    Yes, it is possible to submit a revised application under the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 call. Please note that in this case the resubmission restriction does not apply, i.e. the same host institution can be involved regardless of the evaluation score.

    My proposals were not successful under both the Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 calls. Can I submit a revised application under the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 call?

    Yes, you can submit a revised application under the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 call involving the same host institution, provided you achieved an evaluation score of at least 6.3 out of 9 under the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 call. If the evaluation score was below 6.3, a new host institution must be involved.

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